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TOOLS for MOTIF ES6/MOTIF ES7/MOTIF ES8 Installation Guide
About Open Plug-in Technology
You can start the Voice Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 or the Multi Part Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 software as either a stand-alone software or a plug-in application in
an Open Plug-in Technology compatible application.
Open Plug-in Technology (OPT) is a newly developed software format that allows control over MIDI devices from a music software sequencer. For example, this
allows you to start up and operate various parts of your music system, such as Plug-in Board editors, and mixing control editors – directly from an OPT-compatible
sequencer, without having to use each separately. This also makes it unnecessary to set MIDI drivers for each application, streamlining your music production
system and making all operations more convenient and seamless.
About the OPT Le
The client application and its compatibility with OPT can be divided into three levels, as shown below.
Level 1
– OPT Panels provides basic support for opening and displaying OPT control panels that can transmit data via the clients’ external MIDI ports.
Typically this allows basic hardware editor control panels to operate properly.
Level 2
OPT Processors provides support for real-time MIDI processors and panel automation. Typically this allows both real-time and offline MIDI effects
(e.g. Arpeggiators, transposers etc.) to operate properly and supply automation to OPT panels.
Level 3
– OPT Views provides support for edit views and MIDI processors/panels that require direct access to client sequencer storage structures. Typically
this allows sophisticated MIDI edit views to be supported (e.g. List editors, Auto Accompaniment, Data Checkers etc.).
OPT Level Implementation for the Voice Editor
This chart shows the OPT-compatibility of the Voice Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8.
Certain operations may not work as expected if there is no corresponding function in the client application (sequencer, etc.). The highest level of implementation for the client application is
indicated in the OPT logo (which appears along with the version information in the application).
OPT Level Implementation for the Multi Part Editor
This chart shows the OPT-compatibility of the Multi Part Editor for MOTIF6/7/8.
All operations of the Multi Part Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 can be utilized when running as a plug-in within Level 2 (Processors) and Level 3 (Views) host
applications. Some host applications may not support remote control.
Certain operations may not work as expected if there is no corresponding function in the client application (sequencer, etc.). The highest level of implementation for the client application is
indicated in the OPT logo (which appears along with the version information in the application).
OPT levels of the client application
Voice Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 operation
Operation support Operation limits
VIEWS (Level 3) Yes None
PROCESSORS (Level 2) Yes None
PANELS (Level 1) Yes (with limitations) Bulk reception
OPT levels of the client application
Multi Part Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 operation
Operation support Operation limits
VIEWS (Level 3) Yes None
PROCESSORS (Level 2) Yes None
PANELS (Level 1) Yes Bulk reception

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yamaha MOTIF ES7

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Installatiehandleiding - Français - 35 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 308 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Installatiehandleiding - Italiano - 12 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 297 pagina's

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