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TOOLS for MOTIF ES6/MOTIF ES7/MOTIF ES8 Installation Guide
Important Notices about the CD-ROM
Data Types
This CD-ROM includes the application software. Please refer to pages 4 (Windows) or 8 (Macintosh) for software installation instructions.
Never attempt to play back the CD-ROM on an audio CD player. Doing so may result in damage to your hearing as well as to your CD player/audio
Media format
The MOTIF ES6/MOTIF ES7/MOTIF ES8 is compatible with the following media formats.
• MS-DOS • CD-ROM with ISO9660
The MOTIF ES cannot directly read the contents of the CD-ROM. The CD-ROM is intended for use only with a computer.
f a read-only file is copied to the SmartMedia card in the MOTIF ES’s card slot or the USB storage device connected to the MOTIF ES, the file cannot be deleted from the MOTIF ES.
Operating System (OS)
The applications in this CD-ROM are provided in versions for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The installation procedure and the applications
themselves differ depending on the operating system that you are using. Please refer to the appropriate installation instructions.
For Windows, see page 4.
For Macintosh, see page 7.
CD-ROM Installation Procedure
Before breaking the seal of the software packaging, please read carefully the Software Licensing Agreement at the end of this guide.
Verify that your system meets the operating requirements of the software (Voice Editor, Plug-in Board Editors, driver, etc.).
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................Windows: page 4; Macintosh: page 7
Install the appropriate driver to your computer, and make the necessary settings. .................................................................Windows: page 4; Macintosh: page 8
Install the software (Voice Editor, etc.). ......................................................................................................................................Windows: page 5; Macintosh: page 9
Start up the software.
For subsequent operations, refer to the owner’s manual for each software program (online help/PDF manual).
In order to view PDF files, you will need to install Acrobat Reader in your computer (Windows: page 5; Macintosh: page10).
Quick solutions
• Changing the MIDI port settings of the USB Driver..........page 10
• The driver cannot be installed.............................................page 11
• Playback response is not correct..........................................page 11
• How can I delete or re-install the driver? ...........................page 11
For Windows Users
Contents of the CD-ROM
The CD-ROM contains a variety of applications (with installers) and data in the following folders.
*Unfortunately, Yamaha makes no guarantee concerning the stability of these programs (marked with *) nor can it offer user support for them.
•All the applications listed above are supplied with online/PDF manuals.
•You can start the Voice Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 or Multi Part Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 software as either a stand-alone software or a plug-in application in an Open Plug-in Technology compatible
application. Refer to the owner’s manual of the client application (sequencer, etc.) for details on using the Voice Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 or Multi Part Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 as a plug-in software.
Folder Name Application Name Contents
Acroread_ Acrobat Reader* PDF (Portable Document Format) viewer. Enables you to view the PDF manual for each application.
Sq01_ SQ01 V2 New version of SQ01 V2 with full-scale Audio Mixier feature, for easily creating and playing back your
own songs on computer. This can be used as a host application for the Plug-in software.
AudioMixer_ (SQ01 V2) Plug-in software for the SQ01 V2, which enables mixing of audio tracks. (Cannot be used as a stand-
alone application.)
Twe_ YAMAHA Wave Editor TWE 2.4.4 Enables you to edit the audio (wave) data on your computer.
Tools_ VEMOTES_ Voice Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 Enables you to edit the MOTIF ES Voices on your computer.
MEMOTES_ Multi Part Editor for MOTIF ES6/7/8 Enables you to edit the Mixing parameters (such as effect) of the MOTIF ES on your computer when
using the MOTIF ES as a multi-timbral tone generator.
USBdrv_ YAMAHA USB MIDI Driver (for Win98, Me)
Enables your computer to communicate with the MOTIF ES when your computer and the MOTIF ES
are connected using a USB cable.
USBdrv2k_ YAMAHA USB MIDI Driver (for Win2000, XP)
NIdemo_ Demo for the software synthesizer* Demo for the VST plug-in software synthesizer of Native Instruments.
In the “NIdemo” folder, double-click on “***Setup.exe” of which the file name is the plug-in software
to be installed, then follow the on-screen instructions.
DemoSong Song data Demo songs for the SQ01 V2 when using the MOTIF ES as a tone generator.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yamaha MOTIF ES7

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Installatiehandleiding - Français - 35 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 308 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Installatiehandleiding - Italiano - 12 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 300 pagina's

Yamaha MOTIF ES7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 297 pagina's

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