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69FT-857D Operating Manual
6. When you wish to conclude ATAS-100/-120 operation, press the
key; the
” icon disappear surrounding the “ATAS” indication.
If the ATAS-100/120 retracts to its minimum length, it will not automatically shut
off instantly; it may continue to have its motor engaged for as long as 30 seconds
thereafter, until a timer expires. A clutch mechanism prevents damage to the antenna
while this is happening, and this condition is completely normal.
Manual Tuning
In some instances, the SWR may be slightly improved by manual adjustment of the antenna
position. This may be needed for operation on bands like 40 meters, where the “Q” of the
ATAS-100/-120 is high, causing a narrow resonance range.
To tune the ATAS-100/-120 manually, recall Multi Function Row “k”
, then press and hold in the microphone PTT switch. With the transceiver in the “trans-
mit” mode, press and hold in the
key (to raise the antenna) or the
(to lower the antenna). While you hold in one of these keys, the FT-857D will generate a
carrier, and you may watch the top scale of the FT-857s meter, looking for the meter
indication to reach its minimum value. When this is reached, release the
key, then release the PTT key to return to the “receive” mode.
R.F. Says: 1) Once automatic matching has been successfully accomplished, you
must change frequency by at least 10 kHz before attempting automatic matching
again. Within a window of ±10 kHz from a match point, the transceiver’s microprocessor
will ignore any command to attempt automatic matching.
2) Antenna tuning is accomplished using a “CW” carrier, although the mode indication
will not change to “CW” (if you are operating on another mode) during antenna tuning.
3) If you see a “HSWR” on the LCD, it may mean that there is a problem in your coaxial
cable (bad connection, etc.) which is preventing successful tuning. Replace the cable, or
try adding a few feet/meters of cable (to eliminate the possibility of adverse “transformer
action” in the 50 cable during the tuning process).
4) If you are able to achieve an SWR of less than 2:1 via manual tuning, the FT-857D
will “accept” the manual setting, and you may then re-tune automatically when chang-
ing bands. If, however, you stop manual tuning at a non-optimum setting (SWR >2:1),
the FT-857D “will not permit further automatic tuning. To refresh the setting of the
ATAS-100/-120, press the
key until the ATAS-100/-120 fully retracts. You
may then restart automatic tuning per the procedures described earlier.
5) The FT-857D may also be used with the model ATAS-100 antenna, although the tun-
ing speed of the ATAS-100 will be about 20% slower than with the ATAS-120.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Hoe komt het dat ik de 2 mtr repaeter niet open krijg , ,terwijl alle settings goed staan ??
    Ik bezit de Yaesy FT857D , ,de 70 cm repeater ,werkt vrijwel meteen ,
    Maar de 2 mtr ,helaas niet ondanks 885 tone en - 0,6 Mhz voor de split !!
    Vriendelijk dank ,
    PD7BRW c.klunder@chello.nl Gesteld op 11-6-2023 om 14:49

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • ik zoek de instelling van het menu van de FT857D om ham radio deluxe te kunnen installeren Openen ik ben na een update alles kwijt geraakt en krijg het niet weer geinstalleerd geopend
    ik heb de laatste betaalde versie, email graag met nummers van het menu naar
    PA3DFV@gmail .com Gesteld op 8-8-2022 om 15:56

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Als ik ga zenden in cw dan heb ik geen output. de andere mode's wel. Yaesu 857d. pa3dmx@veron.nl Gesteld op 28-11-2020 om 14:03

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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