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HSD 7799 ENG-9
Battery Storage
1. The battery is part of the device and build-in.
2. To charge the battery, please switch off the device. Connect the AC/DC power adapter cable
to the DC In on the left side of the player. Plug the AC/DC power adapter to the wall outlet.
3. It takes about 4-5 hours to recharge the battery if the player is off. It takes about 6-8 hours to
recharge the battery if the player is on. A fully charged battery can power the unit for about
>2 hours. Power consumption depends on the operations of the player such as brightness of
the screen, volume level, etc.
4. Under no circumstance should you short out the battery, store it in a metal container, or
leave it in a humid or damp environment.
5. Storage Temperature and Humidity (Short-term) In a dry location with low humidity
(Max.85%), no corrosive gases, at a temperature range of -20°C to 45°C.In a location where
humidity is extremely high or with temperature below -20°C or above 45°C, the metallic parts
of battery will rust and result in electrolyte leakage due to expansion or contraction in parts
composed of organic materials.
6. As long-term storage can accelerate battery self-discharge and lead to the deactivation of
reactants, locations where the temperature ranges between 10°C and 30°C are suitable for
long-term storage
7. When charge for the first time after long-term storage, deactivation of reactants may have
led to increased battery voltage and decreased battery capacity. Restore such batteries to
original performance through repeating several cycles of charge and discharge.
8. Do not open the battery.
9. Do not put the battery into fire, do not heat the battery and do not contact the battery with
1. This device may only be used with the original vehicle adapter, as a different adapter can
damage the device.
2. The original vehicle adapter may only be used for this device. Do not use it for other
3. While you are driving the vehicle it is forbidden to adjust the device or watch videos and
4. Please ensure that the device is firmly installed and cannot fall inside the vehicle in the case
of an accident.
5. If the cigarette lighter is dirty, poor conductivity will make the connection hot. Please ensure
that the adapter is only inserted into a clean cigarette lighter connection.
6. After use the 9 V adapter should be removed from the device and from the cigarette lighter
Disconnect the HSD 7799 from the Car when you start or stop the engine!
Use the device in the car

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