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HSD 7799 ENG-7
1. Servicing - Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers
may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified
service personnel.
2. Damage Requiring Service - Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to
qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
a. When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged.
b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product.
c. If the product has been exposed to rain or water.
d. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions.
Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper
adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a
qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation.
e. If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way, and
3. When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance this indicates a need for
4. When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used relacement
parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part.
Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock, or other hazards.
5. Please read in the section Troubleshooting our service address and phone number.
Recycling of electronic devices
This product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and
components which can be recycled and reused.
This symbol means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should
be disposed of separately from your household waste.
Please, dispose of this equipment at your local community waste collection/recycling
centre. In the European Union there are separate collection systems for used
electrical and electronic product. Please, help us to conserve the environment we live
Recycling of paper and carton
The material recycling symbol on the carton and user manual denotes that they are
recyclable. Dispose them not with the normal household waste.
Recycling of plastic parts
The material recycling symbol on the plastic parts denotes that they are recyclable.
Dispose them not with the normal household waste.
Green Dot
The “Grüne Punkt” denotes that the MAS Elektronik AG pays a duty to the
“Gesellschaft für Abfallvermeidung und Sekundärrohstoffgewinnung“.
Safety Information

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