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Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool USA
Before using the dishwasher, read the
installation and maintenance instructions carefully!
5019 396 01156
ADG 9929
1) Programme data obtained in conformity with European standard EN 50242. The data may vary, for example, according to different loads, extra
functions, sensor settings (only with sensor programmes), water supply temperatures, water hardness and power supply voltage.
2) Energy label programme in compliance with EN 50242. - Information for Test Laboratories:
for more detailed information on the EN comparison
test and other tests, contact the following address: “nk_customer@whirlpool.com”.
3) The antibacterial action has been tested by the Institut Pasteur of Lille (France), based on the NF EN 13697 standard of November 2001.
ON button
OFF button
Programme selection button
Press button P (repeatedly) until the required
programme number appears on the display.
Fault indication and wash time display
In normal operation it indicates the remaining time
(h:mm), whereas with “Delayed start” selected it
indicates the time remaining until programme start (hh).
In the presence of a fault indication “F.” –, consult the
section “5. What to do if…”.
An acoustic signal sounds as long as the error persists.
Rinse aid level indicator and salt level indicator
They light up when rinse aid or salt need to be added.
Add just before starting a wash cycle.
Set the detergent
Press button P (repeatedly) to set the type of detergent used.
This deactivates the rinse aid and/or salt indicator.
Half Load/Multizone button
Load the upper or lower rack only.
Press once = wash upper rack (the indicator/symbol lights up)
Press twice = wash lower rack (the indicator/symbol lights up)
Press 3 times = Off (Half load/Multizone deactivated).
When washing without the upper rack, press the “Half
load” (i.e. “wash bottom rack”) button twice (the
corresponding indicator/symbol lights up).
Powder, gel, tablets (standard): indicator off
Detergent with rinse aid: left indicator
Detergent with salt + rinse aid: right indicator
Antibacterial rinse
This function activates an antibacterial rinse at the end of
the wash cycle, guaranteeing a further reduction of
bacteria. Press the button to activate or deactivate the
function. This function can be used with those
programmes marked with the relative symbol in table 1.1.
The dishwasher door must be kept shut for the entire
duration of the programme in order to guarantee
reduction of bacteria. If the door is opened the indicator
lamp starts flashing.
“Delayed start” button
Press the button (repeatedly) to delay the start of the
programme. Adjustable from 1 to 24 hours. With each
press of the button, the delayed start indicator increases by
one hour and after 24 restarts from 00. Then press the
START button. The dishwasher will start after the set time.
START button
The indicator lights up during operation, flashes when a
fault occurs, and goes off at the end of the programme.
RESET button - for programme change or indication of
Press this button to cancel a started programme and
selected extra functions. Press this button to cancel the
main fault indicators (F..); also refer to the section “5.
What to do if...”. The programme can then be selected
and started.
Running programme indicator
A LED light projected on the floor indicates that the
dishwasher is working.
Table 1.1.
Table of programmes
Loading instructions large small Litres kWh Minutes
Sensor + 40-70°C
Normally or very soiled
crockery, including pots and pans
X X 7-17 0.99-1.75 65-220±
Pre-Rinse cold
Crockery to be washed later. 4.0 0.03 14 ±
Glasses 40°C
Light soiling, for example glasses
and cups.
X 10.0 0.85 100 ±
Quickwash 40°C
Slightly soiled crockery, without
dry residuals.
X 10.0 0.65 30 ±
Normally soiled crockery.
Energy-saving programme.
X X 11.0 1.05 155 ±
Daily 60°C
Normally to heavily soiled
X X 13.0 1.25 120 ±

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool adg 9929 2

Whirlpool adg 9929 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool adg 9929 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool adg 9929 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool adg 9929 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool adg 9929 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool adg 9929 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 8 pagina's

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