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Minimum spacing for recessed area or closet
The dimensions shown following are for the minimum spacing
Additional spacing should be considered for ease of
installation and servicing.
Additional clearances might be required for wall, door, and
oor moldings.
Additional spacing of 1" (25 mm) on all sides of the dryer
is recommended to reduce noise transfer.
For closet installation, with a door, minimum ventilation
openings in the top and bottom of the door are required.
Louvered doors with equivalent ventilation openings
are acceptable.
Companion appliance spacing should also be considered.
Minimum Required Spacing
(457 mm)
(25 mm)
(737 mm)
(25 mm)
(25 mm)
14" max.*
(356 mm)
(705 mm)
48 in.
(310 cm )
(76 mm)
(76 mm)
24 in.
(155 cm )
A. Recessed area
B. Side view - closet or conned area
C. Closet door with vents
*Additional spacing recommended
Mobile home - Additional installation requirements
This dryer is suitable for mobile home installations. The
installation must conform to the Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280
(formerly the Federal Standard for Mobile Home Construction
and Safety, Title 24, HUD Part 280).
Metal exhaust system hardware, which is available for
purchase from your dealer.
Special provisions must be made in mobile homes to
introduce outside air into the dryer. The opening (such
as a nearby window) should be at least twice as large
as the dryer exhaust opening.
You will need:
A location allowing for proper exhaust installation.
See “Venting Requirements.”
A separate 30 amp circuit.
If you are using power supply cord, a grounded electrical
outlet located within 2 ft. (610 mm) of either side of dryer.
See “Electrical Requirements.”
A sturdy oor to support the total weight (dryer and load)
of 200 lbs. (90.7 kg). The combined weight of a companion
appliance should also be considered.
Level oor with maximum slope of 1" (25 mm) under entire
dryer. (If slope is greater than 1" [25 mm], install Extended
Dryer Feet Kit, Part Number 279810.) If not level, clothes
may not tumble properly and automatic sensor cycles may
not operate correctly.
Do not operate your dryer at temperatures below 45°F (7°C). At
lower temperatures, the dryer might not shut off at the end of an
automatic cycle. Drying times can be extended.
The dryer must not be installed or stored in an area where it will
be exposed to water and/or weather.
Check code requirements. Some codes limit, or do not permit,
installation of the dryer in garages, closets, mobile homes, or
sleeping quarters. Contact your local building inspector.
Installation clearances:
The location must be large enough to allow the dryer door to
open fully.
Dryer Dimensions
A. Wide opening side-swing door
B. Wide opening hamper door
*Most installations require a minimum 5½" (140 mm) clearance
behind the dryer for the exhaust vent with elbow. See “Venting
Location Requirements

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Whirlpool WED4800XQ Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Français - 28 pagina's

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