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Keep dryer area clear and free from items that would
block the air ow for proper dryer operation. This includes
clearing piles of laundry in front of the dryer.
Cleaning the lint screen
Every load cleaning
The lint screen is located in the dryer. A screen blocked by
lint can increase drying time.
To clean:
1. Pull the lint screen out of its holder. Roll lint off the
screen with your ngers. Do not rinse or wash screen to
remove lint. Wet lint is hard to remove.
2. Push the lint screen rmly back into place.
Do not run the dryer with the lint screen loose,
damaged, blocked, or missing. Doing so can cause
overheating and damage to both the dryer and fabrics.
If lint falls off the screen into the dryer during removal,
check the exhaust hood and remove the lint. See
“Venting Requirements.”
As needed cleaning
Laundry detergent and fabric softener residue can build
up on the lint screen. This buildup can cause longer drying
times for your clothes, or cause the dryer to stop before
your load is completely dry. The screen is probably clogged
if lint falls off while the screen is in the dryer.
Clean the lint screen with a nylon brush every 6 months,
or more frequently, if it becomes clogged due to a residue
To wash:
1. Roll lint off the screen with your ngers.
2. Wet both sides of lint screen with hot water.
3. Wet a nylon brush with hot water and liquid detergent.
Scrub lint screen with the brush to remove residue
4. Rinse screen with hot water.
5. Thoroughly dry lint screen with a clean towel.
Reinstall screen in dryer.
Cleaning the dryer interior
To clean dryer drum
1. Apply a liquid, nonammable household cleaner to the
stained area of the drum and rub with a soft cloth until
stain is removed.
2. Wipe drum thoroughly with a damp cloth.
3. Tumble a load of clean cloths or towels to dry the drum.
NOTE: Garments that contain loose dyes, such as denim
blue jeans or brightly colored cotton items, may discolor the
dryer interior. These stains are not harmful to your dryer and
will not stain future loads of clothes. Dry these items inside
out to avoid drum staining.
Removing accumulated lint
From Inside the Dryer Cabinet
Lint should be removed every 2 years, or more often,
depending on dryer usage. Cleaning should be done
by a qualied servicer.
From the Exhaust Vent
Lint should be removed every 2 years, or more often,
depending on dryer usage.
Cleaning the dryer location

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Whirlpool WED4800XQ Installatiehandleiding - English - 20 pagina's

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