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GB 4
1.Sort the laundry according to...
Type of fabric / care label symbol
Cottons, mixed fibres, easy care/synthetics,
wool, handwash items.
Separate coloured and white items. Wash new
coloured articles separately.
Wash items of different sizes in the same load to
improve washing efficiency and distribution in the
Wash small items (e.g. nylon stockings, belts etc.)
and items with hooks (e.g. bras) in a cloth bag or
pillow case with zip. Always remove curtain rings
or wash curtains with the rings inside a cotton bag.
2.Empty all pockets
Coins, safety pins etc. can damage your laundry
as well as the appliance drum and tub.
Close zips and fasten buttons or hooks; loose
belts or ribbons should be tied together.
Stain removal
Blood, milk, eggs etc. are generally removed by
the automatic enzyme phase of the programme.
To remove red wine, coffee, tea, grass and fruit
stains etc. add a stain remover to the main wash
chamber of the detergent dispenser.
Pre-treat heavily-soiled areas with stain remover
if necessary.
Dyeing and bleaching
Only use dyes and bleaches that are suitable for
washing machines.
Follow the Manufacturer’s instructions.
Plastic and rubber parts of the washing machine
can be stained by dyes or bleaches.
Loading the laundry
Open the door.
Load the articles one at a time loosely into the
drum, without overfilling. Observe the load sizes
given in the quick reference guide.
overloading the machine will result in
unsatisfactory washing results and creased laundry.
Close the door.
Keep detergents and additives in a safe,
dry place out of the reach of children!
The choice of detergent depends on:
Type of fabric (cottons, easy care/synthetics,
delicate items, wool).
Use only specific detergents for washing
wool and garments made of microfibres (like
sports or swimwear).
The wash temperature.
Degree and type of soiling.
Any whitish residues on dark fabrics are caused
by insoluble compounds used in phosphate-free
powder detergents. If this occurs, shake or brush
out the fabric or use liquid detergents.
Use only detergents and additives specifically
produced for domestic washing machines.
When using descaling agents, dyes or bleaches for
the prewash (if available on your model), make sure
that they are suitable for use in domestic washing
machines. Descalers could contain products which
could damage your washing machine.
Do not use any solvents (e.g. turpentine,
benzine). Do not machine wash fabrics that have
been treated with solvents or flammable liquids.
Do not use liquid detergent for the main wash
when having activated the “prewash” option (if
available on your model).
Do not use liquid detergent when activating the
“Start Delay” function (if available on your
washing machine).
Follow the dosage recommendations on the
detergent pack. They depend on:
degree and type of soiling
size of wash
full load: follow the detergent manufacturer’s
half load: 3/4 the amount used for a full load;
Minimum load (about 1 kg):
1/2 the amount used for a full load
water hardness in your area (ask for information
from your water company). Soft water requires
less detergent than hard water (refer to the water
hardness table in the operating instructions).
Too much detergent can result in excess foam
formation, which reduces washing efficiency.
If the washing machine detects too much foam, it
may prevent spinning.
Insufficient detergent may result in grey laundry and also
calcifies the heating system, drum and hoses.
30106330GB.fm Page 4 Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:19 PM
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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool Nevada 1400

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool Nevada 1400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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