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Make sure to insert the power plug securely. Insecure insertion of the plug may cause electrocution or fire.
Never unplug the machine while running.
Do not damage the cord or use an unapproved cord.
Do not plug other electric appliances into the same socket or use extension cords.
Never operate the air conditioner with wet hands.
Do not pull the plug out by the cord. This could cause the cord to overheat and catch fire.
Turn off the air conditioner and pull out the plug when cleaning the air conditioner. This will prevent electrocution
or injury.
The rated voltage of this air conditioner is 220-240V with a tolerance of ±22V for fluctuation. The compressor will
vibrate if the voltage is too low, causing damage to the cooling system.
If you notice anything unusual (e.g. burnt smell), switch off the power supply immediately and contact the Whirlpool
Authorized Service Center nearest you.
If the abnormal condition continues, the air conditioner could be damaged and could also cause electrocution or fire.
Grounding: The unit must be reliably grounded. The grounding cable must be connected to the special grounding
system in the building.
If the building does not have a grounding system, ask an expert electrician to install one. Never connect the
grounding cable to a gas pipe, water pipe, sewage pipe or other unless the professional considers it reliable.
Make sure to unplug air conditioner when not in use for an extended period. Accumulation of dust could cause
heating or fire.
Set the room temperature appropriately. The difference between indoor and outdoor temperature should be 5°C.
Appropriate adjustment of the temperature setting serves to reduce consumption.
When the air conditioner is running, do not leave doors and windows open in the room. This will prevent loss of
effectiveness of the air conditioner.
Never block the air inlet or outlet of indoor and outdoor unit, as this will decrease the effect of the air conditioner
or cause it to shut down or even catch fire.
Spray cans, chemicals and gas tanks must be placed at least 1m away from the indoor and outdoor unit; they could
cause fire or explosion
Make sure to mount the outdoor unit on a sturdy base. If the base is damaged and unsteady, the unit could fall and
cause injury.
Do not stand or place anything on the outdoor unit. Persons or objects falling from the unit could cause injuries.
Do not repair the air conditioner yourself. Incorrect repairs could cause electrocution or fire. Contact the Whirlpool
Authorized Service Center nearest you for repairs.
Adjust the air flow and direction properly. When the air conditioner is running, you can adjust the air flow direction
by setting the upper/lower guide louver position using the remote control or handle.
Never reach with your finger or a stick into the indoor or outdoor unit.
Never blow the air directly at pets or plants, as this may harm them.
Never spray water onto the unit or wash the air conditioner with water.
Never let the air conditioner blow on a heat source. This could put the flame out and cause carbon monoxide
To avoid any harm to your health, do not blow the cold air on your body too long or lower the room temperature
too much.
This air conditioner cannot be used for drying clothes or chilling foods.
32602005GB.fm Page 30 Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:24 AM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool AMC 992

Whirlpool AMC 992 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 25 pagina's

Whirlpool AMC 992 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

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