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Check Items After Installation
Test Run
1. Preparation of Test Run
Do not switch on the power before all installation work is completed.
Confirm that the control line is correctly installed and all electrical lines are securely connected.
Open the shutoff valves of the large and small pipes.
Clear the unit of any foreign bodies, especially metal scraps, line ends and tools.
2. Test Run (Fig. 2 page 53)
Plug in, press the “ON/OFF” key on the remote control, and the air-conditioning unit should start.
Press the Mode key, select the operating modes such as cooling and fan, and check for normal operation.
Check items Problems caused to improper installation
Is the installation secure? The unit may fall, vibrate or make noise
Has gas leakage been checked? May cause unsatisfactory cooling (heating) effect
Is the thermal insulation of the unit sufficient? May cause unsatisfactory cooling (heating) effect
Is drainage smooth? May cause condensation and dripping
Is the main supply voltage the same as the
rated voltage specified on the nameplate?
The unit may break down or components may burn out
Are the lines and pipelines correctly installed? The unit may break down or components may burn out
Has the unit been safely grounded? Risk of electrical leakage
Are the models of lines in conformity with
The unit may break down or components may burn out
Are there any obstacles near the air inlet and
outlet of the indoor and outdoor units?
May cause unsatisfactory cooling (heating) effect
Have the length of refrigerating pipe and
refrigerant charge amount been recorded?
It is difficult to know how much refrigerant to use
AMC 996, AMC 998 ONLY
In case of malfunction of the outdoor temperature sensor, both
electric belts stop working. Under normal conditions,
operations is as follows:
When the outdoor temperature is -5° or less and the
compressor does not start, the electric heating belt on the
compressor start; if the compressor is running or does not
start but the outdoor temperature is > -2°C, the electric
heating belt does not start. If the compressor does not start
and the outdoor temperature is between -5°C and -2°C the
electric heating belt on the compressor maintains its current
When the outdoor temperature is less or equal to 3°C the
electric condenser heating belt will work. If the outdoor
temperature is greater than 6°C it will not work. Between
3° and 6°C it maintains its current status.
Electric heating belt
32602005GB.fm Page 53 Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:24 AM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool AMC 992

Whirlpool AMC 992 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 25 pagina's

Whirlpool AMC 992 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

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