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What to do if...
Crockery and cutlery... Possible causes... Solutions...
...salt indicator lit - Use tablets for soft water. - Set “Tablet” option; if this option is not available, it is normal for the salt indicator to light up.
...have deposits: regeneration salt residue - Water too hard. - In areas with very hard water, more regeneration salt needs to be added (see page 2, “How to set water
- Salt reservoir cap open. - Close the salt reservoir cap properly.
- Not enough rinse aid. - If you use a combined action detergent, try adding more rinse aid.
...are not dry - Plastic containers dry badly. - Synthetic materials do not dry well; if wet at end of cycle, wipe dry.
- Clean dishes left in dishwasher for a long time after end
of cycle (e.g. when using “Delayed start” option).
- In this situation, the presence of drops of water on dishes and on the sides of the dishwasher is normal.
Try releasing the door 5 minutes before removing the dishes.
- Incorrect arrangement of the concave items in the rack. -Arrange crockery so that water does not collect in cavities.
- Incorrect dosage the rinse aid. - Increase the dosage of rinse aid (see page 3, “Adding rinse aid”).
- Rapid program selected. - The Rapid program 40°C / 45°C is intended for quickly washing lightly soiled dishes. If used for a full load of
medium/heavy soiled dishes, the dishes may not dry completely. If so, select a standard-length program. For best
results, open the door after the end of the program and wait 15 minutes before unloading the dishwasher.
...have discoloured plastic parts - Tomato/Carrot juice. - Tomato sauce, for example, can lead to discolouring of plastic parts. Powder detergent is recommended as
it allows slightly higher doses to be used for improved whitening. Programs with higher wash temperatures
should be used.
...opaque glasses, etc. - Dishes unsuitable for washing in dishwashers (porcelain), - Only use dishwasher-proof crockery and dishes.
...removable deposits on glasses - Usage of incorrect programs for glasses. - Dishes should be put together, to avoid touching each other. Do not put glassware together in baskets.
Use suitable program for glass.
...glasses not sparkling - Not conform of glasses to washing in dishwashers
- Some kinds of glass cannot be washed in the dishwasher.
...permanent deposits on glasses - Rainbow effect. - This phenomenon is irreversible. We recommend in future:
- Change the control of system of dosage of softener.
- Be careful – follow recommended detergent dosage.
- For combined action tablets see detergent producer’s recommendations.
...tea cups darken and dirt does not disappear
after washing in dishwasher
-Not known.
- This phenomenon is inevitable. Theine alters colours permanently.
...rust marks - Pre-wash program not used. - Salty or acidic food residues can cause rust marks even on stainless steel cutlery. To avoid this, always use
the pre-wash program if the dishes are to be washed later.
...other marks - Rinse aid dosage too low. - In the presence of marks, increase the rinse aid dosage (see page 3,Adding rinse aid”).
- If you use a combined action detergent, possibly add more rinse aid.
...streaks - Rinse aid dosage too high. - In the presence of streaks, reduce the rinse aid dosage (see page 3, “Adding rinse aid”).
- If you use a combined action detergent which includes rinse aid, do not add any additional rinse aid.
...suds - Unsuitable dosage of detergent/rinse aid. - Only use the amount of detergent/rinse aid required, since excessive amounts can lead to excess suds.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool ADP606F IX ECO

Whirlpool ADP606F IX ECO Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool ADP606F IX ECO Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 36 pagina's

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