Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Congratulations on the purchase of your WOLF-Garten product!
Safety advice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mount handle assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fixing problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Safety advice
Meaning of symbols
General notes
These tools are not intended to be used by persons with insuffici-
ent experience and/or lack of skills or persons with limited physi-
cal, sensory or mental abilities unless these persons are
supervised or instructed on the use of the tools by a person res-
ponsible for the safety of these persons.
These units are tested in their capacity for continuous operation
with intermittent loading S6 of 40%. This corresponds to the nor-
mal harvester operation, where alternate load and idle times.
When using the electric tool, the accessories and replace-
ment parts, strictly adhere to the instructions in this manual.
Take into account the actual working conditions and the task
in hand.
The use of electric tools for purposes other than the in-
tended can lead to dangerous situations.
Before using, check the connection lead for any signs of damage
or ageing.
Do not use electric tools whose switches are defective.
tric tools that cannot be properly switched on or off are dangerous
and must be repaired without delay.
If the mains connection lead is damaged when using the appli-
ance it may not be touched until the plug has been removed from
the mains.
Attention! Blades continue to run after the motor has been swit-
ched off.
Pull the plug from the socket,
when you leave the appliance,
before removing a blockage,
before checking, cleaning or repairing the appliance,
when a foreign body has been found (check the appliance for
damage and repair if required),
when the appliance vibrates a lot (check the appliance imme-
Preparatory measures
Never allow children to use the appliance.
Never use the appliance when people are in the vicinity.
Wear hearing protection and protective glasses. Wear these
throughout the entire operating duration of the appliance.
Do not wear loose or hanging clothes or clothes with hanging
straps or cords.
Only use the appliance outdoors (i.e. not near a wall or any other
rigid object) on a firm, even surface.
Do not use the appliance on a plastered surface scattered with
Before commissioning the appliance, check the firm seating of all
screws, nuts and bolts, as well as other fixing material and check
that the covers and protective signs are in place.
Replace damaged or illegible stickers.
Please read the instructions carefully and familiarize your-
self with the different control elements and how to operate
the device properly. The operator is responsible for acci-
dents involving other persons and/or their property. Ob-
serve the instructions, explanation and regulations. Keep
the operating instructions in a safe place.
Never let children or other persons who have not read the-
se instructions use the device. Persons younger than 16
must not use the device. Local regulations may determine
the minimum age for users.
Read the operating instructions prior to
Danger from centrifuging parts when
the engine is running – people not parti-
cipating, as well as domestic pets and
livestock must be kept away from the
danger area.
Before carrying out setting, cleaning
and maintenance work, and in the event
of damage to the line, remove the plug
from the mains!
Take care with rotating blades. Do not
place hands and feet in openings when
the machine is running.
Wear protective gloves!
Use eye and ear protection!
Protect from moisture.
Original operating instructions - en

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik heb het apparaat volgens de gebruiksaanwijzing in elkaar gezet en de opvangbak goed geplaatst. De stroomvoorziening heb ik na gekeken maar de hakselaar doet niks. Hij gaat niet aan, maakt ook totaal geen geluid, niks doet ie. Gesteld op 15-2-2023 om 12:45

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Abonneer u voor het ontvangen van emails voor uw WOLF-Garten SDE 2800 EVO bij:

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De handleiding is 1,97 mb groot.


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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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