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3 Instructions regarding the charge status indicators:
Hang up collection bag
1 Attention! Rotary cutter blade
Undertake adjustments on the equipment only after the mo-
tor is switched off and the cutting tool has come to a stand-
z Do not attach the collection bag until your feet are at a
safe distance from the cutting tool.
1. Lift the protective flap.
2. Hang the grass bag in the chassis with the hooks in the re-
cesses (see arrow).
3. Replace the protective flap.
Set cut height
1 Attention! Rotary cutter blade
Undertake work/adjustments on the equipment only after
the motor is switched off and the cutting tool has come to a
z Switch off the motor and remove the contact key.
1. Pull the lever out.
2. Set the desired cutting height.
3. Press the lever back in.
Selection of Cutting height
z If possible, mow when grass is dry in order to protect turf. Do
not se cutting position too low when mowing very hight or wet
z We recommend an average cutting height of 40-50 mm.
Starting and Stoping
z Switch on motor with mowerplaced on level and firm ground.
z not in high grass - alternatively tilt slightly .
Switch-on motor
1. Depress button and hold (1).
2. Lift up bar (2).
3. Release button (1).
Switch-off motor
Release bar (2).
3 Tip for mowing:
To prevent strips of grass from being left unmowed, the cut-
ting paths must always overlap a few centimeters
Overload protection
3 In case of overload or blocking, the motor shuts down
Switch off the motor and remove the contact key.
z Overload: Cutting height is too low, or forward speed is
too fast
z Blocking: Foreign object in cutting area (e.g. branches)
z The machine can be switched on again after about 5
Emptying of Grassbox
When the collection bag is full, the flap lowers by itself.
1 Attention! Rotary cutter blade
Undertake adjustments on the equipment only after the
motor is switched off and the cutting tool has come to a
z Switch off the motor and remove the contact key.
z Empty collection bag.
z Remove potential blockages in the cutting space before
3 Instructions for level indicator:
For an efficient functioning of the level indicator, regularly
clean the holes under the level indicator in the collection
bag with a hand brush.
Cut / Collect (LI-ION POWER 37, LI-ION POWER 40)
Activate cut/collect function
1 Attention! Rotary cutter blade
Undertake adjustments on the equipment only after the
motor is switched off and the cutting tool has come to a
z Do not start the motor until your feet are at a safe distan-
ce from the cutting tool.
1. Remove the grass collecting bag.
2. Turn the switch to “CUT/COLLECT”.
3. Hang up the collection bag if necessary.
4. Start the motor.
„Mulching“ is a process in which the grass is finely chopped by a
special cutting system and then deposited on the ground. The re-
sult is that the grass does not have to be collected and disposed
of. „Mulching“ also prevents the lawn from drying out.
3 Instructions for mulching
We recommend:
z Depending on the growth of grass, mulch 1 – 2 x per
z The grass should not be too high nor too wet!
z Go slow while mulching
z Take care that the blade channels do overlap.
z Do not cut grass more than 20 mm.
Green LED is on:
Battery capacity =
Yellow LED is on:
Battery capacity =
Red LED flashing (battery nearly flat):
Battery capacity =
The battery should be recharged
Red LED is continuously on (device switches
Battery capacity =
fault (e.g. battery too hot)

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