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• Normal wear and tear of the device and parts
• The damage caused by the humidity
• The damage caused by the loss of the copter
• After three flights the warranty of brushed engines is void
• Extreme treatment which can not be contained in the usual standards
• Overloading the vehicle or external influences
• Homemade modifications on the copter
• The damage caused by the loss of control of the vehicle
The following are excluded from the warranty:
Congratulations on your purchase of this product from wltoys.eu! Wltoys.eu offers its customers a high quality product. All our
products are carefully tested before shipment. If unfortunately a problem persists, contact your dealer or visit www.wltoys.eu. Your
dealer can also assist you in getting replacement parts if the flight has created damage. We hope you will enjoy your experience
with our product.
You can contact us at any time on : www.wltoys.eu | info@wltoys.eu.
You can find instructional videos and buy spare parts on our website www.wltoys.eu.
For technical support contact your reseller.
The use of the copter is entirely at your own responsibility and at your own risk. Since we have no control beyond this manual
when you use the remote control and the copter (both flying and maintenance), we are not responsible for any damages or costs
incurred by improper use.
Non-compliance with safety rules may cause damage, injury and / or dangerous situations.
• Electric defects due to voltage overload or lightning
• Damage caused by the failure to comply with security measures or instructions
This warranty covers manufacturing and material defects in the context of normal use. We take no responsibility for damage
caused indirectly.
• The costs of transportation, shipping or insurance
Copyright WLtoys.eu | DroneX BV

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Andere handleiding(en) van WLtoys V333N BAROMETER UFO

WLtoys V333N BAROMETER UFO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

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