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The directional lever serves to move the drone to the left or
the right.
Pushing the directional lever up and down makes your
drone go forward or backward.
This model is equipped with a barometer. The barometer allows the quadcopter to hold altitude without using the remote.
Starting the V333N:
- Turn on the remote
Altitude hold
How to fly
Flying is really simple, but you need a little practice at first. Connect to www.wltoys.eu to watch educational films.
The headless mode means that the quadcopter's direction of flight seen from your viewpoint follows the controls directly, no matter
in which direction the quadcopter is pointing. This is also referred to as 'Care Free' (CF) mode. This is usually done with a digital
compass. So if you press the stick on the RX to the left the quadcopter will fly to the left from your viewpoint. Without headless
mode the quadcopter would fly to the direction which is on the left side of the quadcopter, so if the quadcopter is pointing towards
you it would fly to the right.
- Trottle up/down to connect drone to remote
- Keep light button (middle right) pressed for 1sec and it will autoland
- Connect the battery of the V333N
- Alternatively throttle down and when it is securily landed disarm the quad by moving trottle to left bottom and direction to right
Headless Mode Operation : Straighten the copter (red blades are in front) , long press Headless Mode button 2 seconds to enter
into Headless Mode, the transmitter will start beeping; Long press Headless Mode button 2 seconds to exit, the transmitter will
stop beeping.
- Adjust altitude with throttle up/down
- Arm the quad by moving trottle to left bottom and direction to right bottom
- Trottle up and it will fly to approx 1m altitude and maintain hight
Copyright WLtoys.eu | DroneX BV

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Andere handleiding(en) van WLtoys V333N BAROMETER UFO

WLtoys V333N BAROMETER UFO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

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