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Push the passenger seat as far back as possible. Always be sure that there
are at least 10 inches (25 cm) between the front passenger’s breastbone
and the instrument panel.
Always adjust the driver’s seat and the steering wheel so that there are at
least 10 inches (25 cm) between your breastbone and the steering wheel.
Adjust the driver’s seat so that you can easily push the pedals all the way
to the floor while keeping your knee(s) slightly bent. The distance to the
instrument panel in the knee area must be at least 4 inches (10 cm).
If these requirements cannot be met for physical reasons, contact an
authorized Volkswagen dealer or an authorized Volkswagen Service Facility
to see whether adaptive equipment is available.
Always hold the steering wheel on the outside of the steering wheel rim with
your hands at the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions to help reduce the risk of
personal injury if the driver’s airbag inflates.
Never hold the steering wheel at the 12 o’clock position or with your hands at
other places inside the steering wheel rim or on the steering wheel hub.
Holding the steering wheel the wrong way can cause serious injuries to the
hands, arms, and head if the driver’s airbag inflates.
Pointing the steering wheel toward your face decreases the ability of the
driver’s airbag to help protect you in a collision.
Never drive with backrests reclined or tilted back farther than necessary to
drive comfortably. The farther back the backrests are tilted, the greater the
risk of injury caused by incorrect positioning of the safety belts and improper
seating position.
Never drive with the front seat passenger backrest tilted forward. If the front
airbag deploys, the front backrest can be forced backward and injure
passengers on the rear seat.
• Sit as far back as possible from the steering wheel and the instrument panel.
Always sit upright with your back against the backrest with the front seats
properly adjusted. Never lean against or place any part of your body too close
to the area where the airbags are located.
Rear seat passengers who are not properly seated and restrained are more
likely to be seriously injured in a crash.
• Improper adjustment of the seats can cause accidents and severe injuries.
Never adjust the seats while the vehicle is moving. Your seat may move
unexpectedly and you could lose control of the vehicle. In addition, you will not
be in the correct seating position while adjusting the seats.
Adjust the front seat height, angle and longitudinal direction only if the seat
adjustment area is clear.
The adjustment of the front seats must not be restricted by things in the footwell
in front or behind the seats.
Operating the radio navigation system while driving can distract from traffic and
lead to accidents.
• Observe legal regulations.
Always drive attentively and responsibly.
Setting the volume too high can damage the hearing. This applies especially to
volumes above around 85 decibels.
Select volume settings so that acoustic signals from the outside are audible (for
example, the sirens of emergency rescue vehicles).
Inserting data media while driving can distract from trafc and lead to accidents.
Always keep the storage compartment closed while driving.
• Improper use of the Panoramic sunroof can result in serious personal injury.
Always make sure that no one is in the way of the Panoramic sunroof or the
power sunshade when it is closing.
Always take the key with you when you leave the vehicle.
Never leave children or disabled persons in the vehicle – particularly if they
have access to the vehicle key. Unsupervised use of the vehicle key makes it
possible to lock the vehicle, start the engine, turn on the ignition and operate the
Panoramic sliding and tilting roof.
You can still open or close the Panoramic sunroof for several minutes after you
switch off the ignition, as long as the driver or front passenger door has not
been opened.
Without pinch protection, the Panoramic sunroof will close with enough force to
cause serious personal injury.
Poor visibility increases the risk of collisions and other accidents that cause serious
personal injuries.
Always make sure all windows are clear of ice, snow, and condensation for good
visibility to the front, sides, and rear.
• Maximum heating output and fast defrosting are not possible until the engine has
reached operating temperature. Wait until you have good visibility before
driving off.
Always make sure you know how to properly use the heating and ventilation
systems as well as the rear window defogger that you will need for good visibility.
• Never use air recirculation for long periods of time. When the air conditioner is off
and recirculation mode is on, condensation can quickly form on the windows and
greatly reduce visibility.
Always switch off recirculation mode when it is not needed. Stale air causes driver
fatigue and reduces driver alertness, which can cause accidents, collisions, and
serious personal injury.
• Never switch off the fan for a long period of time and never use air recirculation a
long period of time because no fresh air will come into the passenger compartment.
Improper seating positions increase the risk of severe or fatal injuries in a crash or
other accident, especially when the airbag deploys.
All occupants must sit properly and be properly restrained at all times. This also
applies to wearing a safety belt.
• Never let more people ride in the vehicle than there are seating positions with
safety belts available.
Always secure children in the vehicle with an approved and suitable restraint
system appropriate for their age, weight, and height.
Always keep your feet on the oor in front of the seat. Never rest them on the
seat, instrument panel, out of the window, etc. The airbag system and safety
belt will not be able to protect you properly and can even increase the risk of
injury in a crash.
Always adjust seat, safety belts, and head restraints properly before driving and
make sure that all passengers are properly restrained.
• If interference is suspected, immediately switch off the mobile phone.
Always keep the armrest closed while driving. The center armrest can interfere
with the driver’s elbow movement and thus cause collisions and severe injuries.
Using the cruise control when it is not possible to drive safely at a constant speed
can be dangerous and can lead to an accident and serious personal injuries.
• Never use cruise control when driving in heavy or varying trafc or when you
cannot keep a safe distance between you and the vehicles ahead of you.
• Never use cruise control on steep, winding, or slippery roads (such as gravel
roads, wet roads, or snowy or icy roads) or on roads with standing water.
• Never use cruise control when driving off-road or on unpaved roads.
Always adjust your speed and the distance you keep between you and the
vehicles ahead of you to the road, traffic, weather and visibility conditions.
To help prevent unintended operation of cruise control, switch the system off
when it is not being used.
• It is dangerous to use the Resume feature when the previously set speed is too
high for the existing road, traffic, or weather conditions.
When traveling downhill, the cruise control may not be able to maintain a
constant speed. The vehicle may speed up because of its own weight. Downshift
and/or use the foot brake to slow the vehicle.
Driver distraction, including the operation of external audio devices, can cause
accidents and serious personal injury.
Always focus your undivided attention on driving the vehicle.
• Never display video images in the display when the vehicle is moving.
• Use the radio navigation system only if road, trafc, and weather conditions
permit and you will not be distracted from your driving.
Always obey applicable laws regarding the use of displays when the vehicle
is moving.
Always adjust volume so that horns and warning sounds from outside the vehicle
(police and fire truck sirens, for example) can be clearly heard at any time.
• Observe legal regulations.
Always drive attentively and responsibly.
• Setting the volume too high can damage the hearing. This applies especially to
volumes above about 85 decibels.
Select volume settings so that acoustic signals from the outside are always
audible (for example, the sirens of emergency rescue vehicles).
• Please lower the volume before changing or connecting to an audio source.
• Unmounted or improperly mounted external devices can be thrown through the
passenger compartment in the event of a sudden driving or braking maneuver or
an accident, causing injury.
• Never leave external devices in the doors, on the front windshield, on or near the
area marked “AIRBAG” on the steering wheel, instrument panel, seat backs, or
between these areas and the occupants. External devices can cause serious
injury in the event of an accident, especially if the airbags inflate.
• Connecting cables of external devices may obstruct the driver. Route cables so
as not to interfere with the driver.
The armrest can affect the elbow room of the driver and thus cause accidents
and severe injuries. Always keep the armrest closed while driving.
Improper use of vehicle keys can result in serious personal injury.
Always take the key with you when you leave the vehicle. It can be used to start
the engine and operate vehicle systems such as the power windows, leading to
serious personal injury. Children or other unauthorized persons could also lock
the doors and the luggage compartment.
• Never leave children, disabled persons, or anyone who cannot help themselves
in the vehicle. The doors can be locked with the remote control key. This could
result in people being trapped in the vehicle in an emergency. For example,
depending on the time of year, people trapped in the vehicle can be exposed to
very high or very low temperatures.
• Heat build-up in the passenger and luggage compartment of a parked vehicle
can result in temperatures in the vehicle that are much higher than outside
temperatures, particularly in summer. Temperatures can quickly reach levels
that can cause unconsciousness and death, particularly to small children.
• Never remove the key from the ignition switch while the vehicle is moving or
rolling to a stop. The steering wheel will lock and you will not be able to steer
or control the vehicle.
Collisions and injuries can occur if the driver is distracted. Speaking on or using
a phone while driving can distract the driver from traffic.
Select the volume settings so that the acoustic signals from the outside are
still audible (for example, the sirens of emergency rescue vehicles). Observe
legal regulations.
In areas with no or poor mobile network coverage and possibly in tunnels,
garages and subways, phone conversations may be interrupted, and it may
be impossible to make phone calls–even emergency calls!
In some countries, emergency calls may only be supported when the mobile
phone is connected to a mobile phone package which has a SIM card that is
“not blocked” and/or has sufficient credit on it.
Unmounted or improperly mounted mobile phones can y around in the event
of a sudden driving or braking maneuver or a collision. This may cause injuries.
Never place or mount a mobile phone on doors, on the windshield or on
or near the area on the steering wheel marked “AIRBAG, the instrument
panel, the seat backrests or the areas between these points and the driver/
passengers. Mobile phones can lead to serious injuries in cases of collisions,
especially when the airbags are inflated.
Always switch off your mobile telephone at gas stations or wherever there is
a fire or explosion hazard. Electromagnetic radiation can cause sparks which
can start fires.
The mobile phone will automatically connect to the mobile network when the
Bluetooth connection to the mobile phone package is disconnected.
• Using a radio device in the vehicle without a connection to an external
antenna might exceed electromagnetic radiation thresholds. This also applies
if the external antenna is not installed properly.
• Keep a distance of at least eight inches between the antennas of the mobile
phone and the pacemaker, since mobile phones can affect the functionality of
a pacemaker.
• Do not carry a mobile phone on standby mode in the breast pocket directly
on top of a pacemaker.
Important Safety Warnings

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