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“Single door” unlocks only the driver’s door.
“Vehicle side” unlocks the doors on the
driver’s side of the vehicle.
Press the up or down arrows to select an option.
Press OK to select your preference.
Key Fob / TPMS
vw.com/tiguan 2013
Important Warnings and Safety Information, which you must read, are listed on the last panel, under TPMS WARNINGS.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Seeing the TPMS light? Here’s what to do.
The correct tire pressure is displayed on the sticker on the
driver’s door jamb. Inflate your tires to those specifications,
not to the number on your tires.
If you see the TPMS light on your instrument panel or the message
“tire pressure too low” in the multi-function display, check all tires
and inflate the low tires to the correct pressure as soon as possible.
Customize which doors lock or
unlock when you press the key fob
First, make sure your vehicle is parked. Your car won’t let you do
this while you’re driving.
Press the button with the menu icon located on the steering wheel
until you see the “Settings” screen on the multi-function display.
Press the down arrow to scroll to “Convenience.” Press OK.
Scroll down to “Central Locking”— press OK.
Press “Unlock doors” to adjust which doors lock or unlock
when the key fob is pressed once.
All doors” unlocks all doors.
After inflating your tires, you’ll
need to reset the TPMS light
Press the menu button on the multi-function
steering wheel until you see the screen
labeled “Settings” on the multi-function
display in your instrument cluster.
Press the down arrow to scroll to “Tire
pressure”—press OK.
Make sure “Store” is selectedpress OK.
Use the down arrow button to scroll down to
“Confirm”—press OK. You’ll see the message,
“Tire pressures stored.
Cooler temperatures may cause a warning to appear and
then disappear as the tires warm up. This is a good reminder
to check and adjust the tires to the proper inflation pressure.
Correct tire pressure
Menu button
Key Fob Programming
Open the hatch
Close the hatch
Briefly press the trunk release button on the key
fob to unlock the hatch.
Then press the large button (called the microswitch)
above the license plate and lift slightly.
Grab the ergonomic handles located near the outer
corners of the interior and pull.
Important Warnings and Safety Information, which you must read, are listed on the last panel, under KEY FOB and REAR HATCH WARNINGS.

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Volkswagen Tiguan 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 356 pagina's

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