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Update your phone’s 12
Using the FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) Upgrade tool you can
update your phone’s software.
To access System Updates, open the Notification panel and touch
and then , then touch About phone > System updates. Or
you can directly touch
and access Settings > About phone >
System updates. Touch Check for updates, and the phone will
search for the latest software. If you want to update the system,
please touch Download, and when that’s finished, touch Install to
complete the upgrade. Now your phone will have the latest version
of the software.
You should turn on data connection before searching for updates.
Settings for auto-check intervals and reminders about upgrades
are also available once you restart the phone.
If you have chosen auto-check, when the system discovers the
new version, the icon
will appear in the status bar. Touch the
notification to access the System Updates directly.
During FOTA downloading or updating, to avoid errors
in locating the correct update packages, do not change
your default storage location.
Product safety information13
Pictograms and graphic symbols
Read the Safety & warranty information guide
Do not use while re-fuelling
Do not use hand-held while driving
This device may produce a bright or flashing light
When using the phone, make sure it is kept at least 10
mm away from your head or body
Do not dispose of in a fire
Small parts may cause a choking hazard
Avoid contact with magnetic media
This device may produce a loud sound
Avoid extreme temperatures
Keep away from pacemakers and other personal
medical devices
Avoid contact with liquid, keep dry
Switch off when instructed in hospitals and medical
Do not try to disassemble
Switch off when instructed in aircraft and airports
Do not rely on this device for emergency
Switch off in explosive environments
Only use approved accessories
IP4907_VF985N_UM_Eng_GB_09_140528.indd Sec2:95-Sec2:96IP4907_VF985N_UM_Eng_GB_09_140528.indd Sec2:95-Sec2:96 2014-5-28 15:05:092014-5-28 15:05:09

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vodafone Smart 4 power - VF985

Vodafone Smart 4 power - VF985 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 60 pagina's

Vodafone Smart 4 power - VF985 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 58 pagina's

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