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If you’ve turned on this function, a wide variety of settings and
data are backed up, including your Wi-Fi passwords, bookmarks,
a list of the apps you’ve installed, the words you’ve added to
the dictionary used by the onscreen keyboard, and most of the
settings that you configure with the Settings app. If you turn this
option off, it will stop backing up your settings, and any existing
backups are deleted from Google Servers.
Factory data reset
To activate a factory data reset:
1 Touch
on Quick setting bar to go to Settings.
2 Touch Backup and reset > Factory data reset.
3 Touch Reset phone > Erase everything.
Phone resetting will erase all of your personal data from
internal phone storage, including information about your
Google Account, any other accounts, your system and app
settings, and any downloaded apps. Resetting the phone does
not erase any system updates you have downloaded. If you reset
the phone in this way, you are prompted to re-enter the same
kind of information as when you first started Android.
If you’re unable to turn your phone on, there is another alternative
to perform a factory data reset by pressing the Volume up key
and the Power key at same time under power off mode until the
screen lights up.
Use the settings to add, remove, and manage your Email and
other supported accounts. You can also use these settings to
control how and whether all applications send, receive, and
synchronise data on their own schedules, and whether all
applications can synchronise user data automatically.
Add account11.4.1
Touch to add an account for selected app.
Date & time11.5.1
Use Date & Time settings to customise your preferences for how
date and time are displayed.
Automatic date & time
Touch to select Use network/GPS provided time or Off.
Mark the checkbox to use network provided time or use GPS
provided time.
Automatic time zone
Mark the checkbox to use network-provided time zone. Or
unmark to set all values manually.
Set date
Touch to open a dialog where you can manually set the phone’s
Set time
Touch to open a dialog where you can manually set the phone’s
Select time zone
Touch to open a dialog where you can set the phone’s time
Use 24-hour format
Mark the checkbox to display the time using 24-hour clock
Select date format
Touch to open a dialog where you can select the format for
displaying dates.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Vodafone Smart 4 power - VF985

Vodafone Smart 4 power - VF985 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 60 pagina's

Vodafone Smart 4 power - VF985 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 58 pagina's

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