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EN 3
pyrometer TP7
Intended use
This device is exclusively intended for measuring temperature
by means of an infrared sensor in the measuring range
specified in the technical data. People who use this device must
have read and understood the operating manual, especially the
Safety chapter.
To use the device for its intended use, only use accessories and
spare parts which have been approved by Trotec.
Improper use
The device must not be pointed at people. Do not use the device
in potentially explosive atmospheres, for measurements in
liquids or at live parts. Trotec accepts no liability for damages
resulting from improper use. In such a case, any warranty
claims will be voided. Any unauthorised modifications,
alterations or structural changes to the device are forbidden.
Personnel qualifications
People who use this device must:
be aware of the dangers that occur when working with
laser measuring devices.
have read and understood the operating manual, especially
the Safety chapter.
Residual risks
Warning of laser radiation
Laser class2, Pmax.: <1mW, λ: 400-700nm,
Do not look directly into the laser beam or the opening
from which it emerges.
Never point the laser beam at people, animals or
reflective surfaces. Even brief eye contact can lead to
eye damage.
Examining the laser output aperture by use of optical
instruments (e.g. magnifying glass, magnifiers and the
like) entails the risk of eye damage.
When working with a laser of class2, observe the
national regulations on wearing eye protection.
Risk of suffocation!
Do not leave the packaging lying around. Children may
use it as a dangerous toy.
The device is not a toy and does not belong in the
hands of children.
Dangers can occur at the device when it is used by
untrained people in an unprofessional or improper way!
Observe the personnel qualifications!
Keep a sufficient distance from heat sources.
To prevent damages to the device, do not expose it to
extreme temperatures, extreme humidity or moisture.
Do not use abrasive cleaners or solvents to clean the

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Andere handleiding(en) van Trotec TP7

Trotec TP7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Trotec TP7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

Trotec TP7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

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