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EN 9
pyrometer TP7
Setting the upper and lower alarm thresholds
You can set both an upper and lower alarm threshold for the
measured value at the device. Upon exceeding or falling below
this value an acoustic signal will be emitted by the device.
Additionally, the display lights up in one of the following colours:
Display colour Meaning
Flashes red Surface temperature exceeds
activated upper threshold. The
display flashes red and a
constant alarm tone is emitted.
Also works when the display
illumination is deactivated.
Flashes blue Surface temperature below
activated lower threshold. The
display flashes blue and a
constant alarm tone is emitted.
Also works when the display
illumination is deactivated.
Continuously illuminated in
Surface temperature is in
normal range. The display will
only be illuminated in green if
the display illumination is
Please proceed as follows to set the upper and lower alarm
1. Repeatedly press the MODE button(6) until the
corresponding icon flashes in the Indication of the upper
alarm threshold(13)/ Indication of the lower alarm
ðThe characters OFF appear on the upper measurement
value display(20).
2. Press the Laser button(7) or the Lamp button(5).
ðThe characters ON appear on the upper measurement
value display(20).
3. Then press the MODE button(6) again.
ðThe currently saved value for the alarm threshold will be
indicated on the upper measurement value display(20).
4. Use the Laser button(7) or the Lamp button(5) to change
the value for the alarm threshold as desired.
Enabling/ disabling the alarm threshold
Please proceed as follows to enable/ disable the upper and
lower alarm thresholds:
1. Repeatedly press the MODE button(6) until the
corresponding icon flashes in the Indication of the upper
alarm threshold(13)/ Indication of the lower alarm
ðThe characters OFF appear on the upper measurement
value display(20).
2. Press the Laser button(7) or the Lamp button(5) to
activate the alarm threshold.
ðThe characters ON appear on the upper measurement
value display(20).
ðThe desired alarm threshold is now activated.
3. Press the Laser button(7) or the Lamp button(5) again to
deactivate the alarm threshold.
ðThe characters OFF appear on the upper measurement
value display(20).
ðThe desired alarm threshold is now deactivated.
Maintenance and repair
Battery change
A battery change is required, when a battery indication lights up
on the display(8) or the device can no longer be switched on.
See chapter Operation.
Clean the device with a soft, damp and lint-free cloth. Make
sure that no moisture enters the housing. Do not use any
sprays, solvents, alcohol-based cleaning agents or abrasive
cleaners, but only clean water to moisten the cloth.
Do not modify the device or install any spare parts. For repairs
or device testing, contact the manufacturer.
Errors and faults
The device has been checked for proper functioning several
times during production. If malfunctions occur nonetheless,
check the device according to the following list.
The device does not switch on:
Check the charging status of the battery. Change the
battery, if required (see chapter Inserting the battery).
Make sure that the battery is properly positioned. Check
the polarity is correct.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Trotec TP7

Trotec TP7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Trotec TP7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

Trotec TP7 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

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