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GB Manual weed sweeper
Safety Instructions
Thank you for your confidence in choosing this machine. To achieve best results, read this manual
carefully before using the machine for the first time. Always store the manual together with the
When using electrical tools, always observe the following basic safety rules.
Safe operation of the machine requires that you read the operating manual and safety instructions and
comply with them before using the machine for the first time. You should also observe general safety
rules. You may wish to have a professional demonstrate for you how to operate the machine before you
use it.
• Always use safety goggles and hearing protection
• Wear work clothing and gloves
• Remember to always stand on a stable surface.
• Never use the machine under the influence of alcohol, medicine or similar substances.
• Never use the machine when children are nearby.
• Do not use the machine with flammable liquids, chemicals or similar substances.
• Always store the tool out of the reach of children.
• Never overload the machine.
• Check regularly that all screws are tightened.
• Ensure that your fingers, etc. do not come close to the rotating parts.
• Check that the power source is “230 Volt”.
(Incorrect voltage will damage the machine and the guarantee will be void)
• Replace or repair defective cables immediately.
• Remove the plug from the wall socket when finishing the activities.
• Do not use worn brushes.
• Never use the appliance without the guard in place.
• Do not use the appliance for working wet weed.
• Before using the appliance, remove sticks, stones, wire and other obstacles from the surface to be
• Only use the appliance in an upright position, with the brush pointing to the ground. Never switch on
the appliance in another position.
• Always keep your hands and feet away from the brush.
• Only use the type of brush recommended by the manufacturer.
Unpacking the machine
Carefully remove the machine from its packaging and check that you have removed all from the
1. On/off switch
2 Lock-off button
3 Main handle

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