Pagina terug
Pagina verder
4 Guide handle
5 Telescopic tube
6 Guard
7 Brush
8 Wheel
Mounting the guard (fig. B)
• Mount the guard (6) to the appliance as shown.
• Fit the guard using the screws (9).
Warning! Replace the guard when the flap is worn.
Mounting the wheel (fig. C)
• Insert the axle of the wheel (8) into the mounting hole (10).
• Firmly push the axle into place.
Mounting and adjusting the guide handle (fig. D)
• Mount the guide handle (4) to the appliance as shown.
• Fit the guide handle (4) using the screw (11) and the knob (12). The guide handle (4) can be adjusted to
achieve a good balance.
• Loosen the adjustment knob (12).
• Set the handle to the desired position.
• Carefully tighten the adjustment knob.
Mounting the brush (fig. E)
Use the broad brush (13) for normal use. Use the narrow brush (14) for persistent weed. Use the brass
brush (15) for extremely persistent weed. Worn brushes must be replaced immediately. Replacement
brushes are sold separately.
When mounting the brush, use the spanners provided to avoid damage to the tool. Wear protective
gloves when mounting brushes.
• Loosen the collet nut (16) while holding the spindle (17) using the spanners supplied.
• Insert the shaft of the brush in the collet.
• Align the brush with the arrow (18) on the guard.
• Tighten the collet nut while holding the spindle.
• In order to remove the brush, proceed in reverse order.
Warning! Always unplug the appliance before inserting or removing a brush.
Adjusting the height (fig. F)
The telescopic tube (5) can be adjusted in stages to the desired length to achieve a comfortable
operating height.
• Turn the telescopic tube (5) to loose.
• Set the required height.
• Tighten the telescopic tube (5).

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