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only if needed.
6. This slow juices comes with an unique cleaning system which can be useful if you want to
change between different tastes and different types of fruit. Pour water through the filling
opening if you are finished with the first type of fruit. This will wash away most leftover, now
the Slow Juicer is ready to continue juicing.
ATTENTION this is not an alternative for the cleaning of all separate parts.
1. Place the “frozen ice” accessory (14) instead of the filter (4) and put the squeezing screw in
the accessory.
2. Make sure the lid is closed properly
3. Turn ”on” the slow juicer
4. Place the frozen fruit into the filling opening, the slow juicer will start preparing the sorbet
ice immediately. Use the pusher only if needed.
1. Turn “off” and unplug the device
2. Twist the top set to the right and lift to remove it from the base
3. Twist the bowl to the right to disassemble and remove the base
4. Disassemble the top set as following:
5. Use the brush to clean thoroughly after operating using warm water and liquid detergent
- Do not use metal sponge or scouring powders
- Clean the base with a damp cloth
- Dry the attachments after cleaner
Carotenoids can cause stains. Carotenoids appear in different kinds of vegetables, especially
carrots. To prevent stains we advise you to follow the following cleaning procedures:
1. Use biodegradable soap to clean all parts
2. Use one part water on one part apple cider vinegar
3. Use ½ a part cleaning salt in 3 parts warm water to clean all parts
4. Use ¼ bleach in a sink filled with warm water
5. Bleach helps to remove stains caused by different kinds of fruits and vegetables. If you do not
want to use bleach, make sure you thoroughly rinse and clean immediately after use.
Filling opening
Spinning brush

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