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until ready to make ice cream.
We suggest that you keep the freezer tank in
the freezer so that it is ready for use. Place in
a plastic bag before freezing. Freeze the tank
in the upright position.
Always make sure the freezer tank is
thoroughly dry before placing in the freezer.
Do not puncture or heat the freezer tank.
The freezer tank should be placed in a
freezer that is operating at a temperature of
-18° Centigrade or below for 8-12 hours
before use.
For best results we suggest refrigerating the
ingredients before making ice cream.
The addition of alcohol to recipes inhibits the
freezing process.
Always switch off, unplug and dismantle
before cleaning.
Never put the power unit in water or let
the cord or plug get wet.
Do not wash parts in the dishwasher.
Do not clean with scouring powders, steel
wool pads, or other abrasive materials.
Freezer Tank
Allow the freezer tank to reach room
temperature before attempting to clean.
Wash it thoroughly from the inside with warm
water, from the outside, wipe the tank with a
damp cloth, then dry thoroughly. Do not
immerse in water.
Remove the paddle from the tank.
Wash then dry thoroughly.
Wash the lid then dry thoroughly.
Power unit
Wipe with a damp cloth, then dry.
Service and customer care
If the cord is damaged it must, for safety reasons,
be replaced by an authorized repairer.
This appliance is not intended for use by
persons(including children)with reduced physical
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of
the appliance by a person responsible for their
Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
If you need help with:
Use your ice cream maker
Servicing or repairs
Contact the service centre or the shop where you
bought your machine.
If you have any further questions about the product
after reading this manual, please contact the Trebs
customer service: info@trebs.nl.
Banana ice cream
large ripe banana 80 g
Skimmed milk 140 ml
Heavy cream 50 ml
Confectioners sugar 30 g
Mash the bananas until smooth. Mix in the milk,
heavy cream and sugar. Place the mixed ingredients
into the freezer for 20- 30 minutes before making ice
cream. Pour the mixture into the freezer tank with the
paddle running. Allow to freeze until the desired
consistency is achieved.

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