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Mango ice cream
Mango 160 g
Skimmed milk 134 ml
Confectioners sugar 30 g
Mash the mango. For a smooth result remove the
pips by sieving. Add the sugar and milk and mix
together. Place the mixed ingredients into the
freezer for 20- 30 minutes before making ice
cream. Pour the mixture into the freezer tank
with the paddle running. Allow to freeze until the
desired consistency is achieved.
Chocolate mint ice cream
Skimmed milk 130 ml
Confectioners sugar 30 g
Heavy cream 100 ml
peppermint extract few drops
grated chocolate 40 g
Place the milk and sugar into a saucepan. Place
over a low heat and stir until the sugar has
dissolve, then leave until cold. Stir the cream and
peppermint essence into cooled milk. Place the
mixed ingredients into the freezer for 20- 30
minutes before making ice cream. Pour the
mixture into freezer tank with the paddle running.
When the mixture starts to freeze add the grated
chocolate down the chute. Allow to freeze until
the desired consistency is achieved.
Strawberry ice cream
fresh strawberries 120 g
Confectioners sugar 40 g
Heavy cream 80 ml
Skimmed milk 60 ml
Puree the strawberries until smooth, add the
remaining ingredients. Place the mixed
ingredients into the freezer for 20- 30 minutes before
making ice cream. Pour the mixture into the freezer
tank with the paddle running. Allow the mixture to
freeze until the desired consistency is achieved.
Lemon sorbet
granulated sugar 100 g
Water 100 ml
orange juice juice from 1/2 medium size
lemon juice 60 ml
egg white 1/2 medium size
egg white
Place the sugar and water in a saucepan. Stir over a
low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Bring the
mixture to the boil and allow to boil for 1 minute.
Remove from heat and allow to cool. Add the orange
and lemon juice. Whisk the egg white until almost stiff
and then stir into the lemon mixture. Place the mixed
ingredients into the freezer for 20- 30 minutes before
making ice cream. Pour the mixture into the freezer
tank with the paddle running. Allow to freeze until the
desired consistency is achieved.
Custard based vanilla ice cream
egg yolks 1
Confectioners sugar 25 g
Skimmed milk 100 ml
Heavy cream 100 ml
vanilla extract few drops
Place the egg yolks and sugar in a glass tank and beat
together. In a saucepan slowly bring the milk to
boiling point, then pour onto the egg mixture beating
together. Return the mixture to the pan and stir
constantly until the mixture thickens and forms a film
over the back of the spoon. Do not let it boil or the
mixture will separate. Remove from heat and leave
until cold. Stir in the cream and vanilla extract. Place
the mixed ingredients into the freezer for 20- 30

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