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14.01.09 17:31
z CD-R/CD-RW discs that have not been
subject to the “finalizing process” (a pro-
cess that allows discs to be played on a
conventional CD player) cannot be
z It may not be possible to play CD-R/CD-
RW discs recorded on a music CD
recorder or a personal computer because
of disc characteristics, scratches or dirt on
the disc, or dirt, condensation, etc. on the
lens of the unit.
z It may not be possible to play discs
recorded on a personal computer depend-
ing on the application settings and the
environment. Record with the correct for-
mat. (For details, contact the appropriate
application manufacturers of the applica-
z CD-R/CD-RW discs may be damaged by
direct exposure to sunlight, high tempera-
tures or other storage conditions. The unit
may be unable to play some damaged
z If you insert a CD-RW disc into the MP3/
WMA player, playback will begin more
slowly than with a conventional CD or CD-
R disc.
z Recordings on CD-R/CD-RW cannot be
played using the DDCD (Double Density
CD) system.
z This is a general term that describes the
process of writing data on-demand to CD-
R, etc., in the same way that data is writ-
ten to floppy or hard discs.
z This is a method of embedding track-
related information in an MP3 file. This
embedded information can include the
track title, the artist’s name, the album
title, the music genre, the year of produc-
tion, comments, cover art and other data.
The contents can be freely edited using
software with ID3 tag editing functions.
Although the tags are restricted to the
number of characters, the information can
be viewed when the track is played back.
z WMA files can contain a WMA tag that is
used in the same way as an ID3 tag. WMA
tags carry information such as track title,
artist name.

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