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14.01.09 17:31
z MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3), WMA
(Windows Media Audio) and AAC
(Advanced Audio Coding) are audio com-
pression standards.
z This system can play MP3/WMA/AAC files
on CD-R, CD-RW discs and USB memory.
z This system can play disc recordings com-
patible with ISO 9660 level 1 and level 2
and with the Romeo and Joliet file system.
z When naming an MP3/WMA/AAC file, add
an appropriate file extension (.mp3/.wma/
z This system plays back files with .mp3/
.wma/.m4a file extensions as MP3/WMA/
AAC files respectively. To prevent noise
and playback errors, use the appropriate
file extension.
z This system can play only the first session
when using multi-session compatible CDs.
z MP3 files are compatible with the ID3 Tag
Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver. 2.2 and Ver. 2.3 for-
mats. This system cannot display disc
title, track title and artist name in other for-
z WMA/AAC files can contain a WMA/AAC
tag that is used in the same way as an ID3
tag. WMA/AAC tags carry information
such as track title and artist name.
z The emphasis function is available only
when playing MP3/WMA files recorded at
32, 44.1 and 48 kHz.
z This system can play back AAC files
encoded by iTunes.
z The sound quality of MP3/WMA files gen-
erally improves with higher bit rates. In
order to achieve a reasonable level of
sound quality, discs recorded with a bit
rate of at least 128 kbps are recom-
z M3u playlists are not compatible with the
CD player.
z MP3i (MP3 interactive) and MP3PRO for-
mats are not compatible with the audio
z The player is compatible with VBR (Vari-
able Bit Rate).
z When playing back files recorded as VBR
(Variable Bit Rate) files, the play time will
not be correctly displayed if the fast for-
ward or reverse operations are used.
z It is not possible to check folders that do
not include MP3/WMA/AAC files.
z MP3/WMA/AAC files in folders up to 8 lev-
els deep can be played. However, the
start of playback may be delayed when
using discs containing numerous levels of
folders. For this reason, we recommend
creating discs with no more than 2 levels
of folders.
z The play order of the compact disc with
the structure shown above is as follows:
z The order changes depending on the per-
sonal computer and MP3/WMA/AAC
encoding software you use.
Folder 1
Folder 2
Folder 3
001.mp3 002.wma . . . 006.aac

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