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TOPCOM - Digital Thermometer 100 MD1060247/UK V1.1
TOPCOM - Digital Thermometer 100 - User Guide
Congratulations on the purchase of the Topcom Digital Thermometer 100. We hope you
will enjoy using the thermometer and the benefits it offers.
2 Safety notes
This thermometer is intended for household use only. The use of this thermometer is
not intended as a substitute for physician’s consultation.
This product is not a toy.
The thermometer should only be used under the supervision of an adult.
Do not walk, run or talk during temperature taking.
Clean the thermometer before and after each use.
Store the unit in the protective case and keep away from children when not in use.
Do not bite the probe and battery cover.
Do not store the unit where it will be exposed to direct sunlight, dust or humidity.
Avoid extreme temperatures.
Dropping or subjecting your thermometer to strong shocks should be avoided.
Do not attempt to dissemble the unit, except to replace the battery.
The body of the thermometer should be free of crack before use.
Do not use if battery cover is detached.
If measurement is not attainable, the unit must be replaced.
3 What you need to know about your body temperature
Although the generally accepted "normal" temperature reading is 37.0°C, temperature
reading can vary from 36°C to 37.3°C and still may be considered as "normal".
Your body temperature can be influenced by your activities such as exercise, smoking,
eating and drinking.
Even time of day may influence your body temperature. For example, your temperature is
lower in the morning than in the afternoon.
Other variations may be due to the location of the temperature reading.
While the oral temperature follows the guidelines previously described, a rectal
temperature is generally 0.5°C higher. Conversely, an auxiliary (under the arm)
temperature will be 0.5°C lower.
4 Description
1. Sensor
2. Flexible tip
3. LCD display
4. ON - OFF button
5. Battery cover
5 Battery installation
When the battery low icon is displayed, the battery needs to be replaced.
Remove the small screw on the backside of the
Pull the battery cover (5) away from the thermometer.
Use a non-metallic pointed object to remove the old
Place a new 1,5V DC battery (L736, SR41, LR41, 392 or
192) with the negative pole (-) side up and the positive
pole (+) facing down in battery compartment.
Put the battery cover back on the thermometer and re-
install the screw.
6 Measurement
6.1 Important before use
When the temperature is higher than 38°, means that the patient may have fever.
Contact your doctor.
It is important to clean your Thermometer before the first time of use and after each
application. Clean your Digital Thermometer by wiping it with soap and water or 70%
isopropyl Alcohol otherwise the result of measurement will be inaccurate.
The thermometer is calibrated and does not need re-calibration if used according to
the instructions.
After a shower or exercise, the body temperature will rise. Please take a rest before
taking temperature.
6.2 Taking an Oral Temperature
Drinking hot or cold fluids, exercising, smoking or
performing other activities may raise or lower your
temperature. Therefore, it is important to relax for
approximately 5 minutes with your mouth closed prior to
taking a reading.
Place the probe tip under the tongue as near as
possible to the heat pocket. The diagram also shows
the temperature variables by not placing the tip in the
heat pocket area.
Close the mouth
Press the ON/OFF button (4) briefly. After all segments have been displayed, the
previous result or ‘Lo’ is displayed for 2 seconds.
The thermometer starts measurement.
When the temperature stabilizes at peak temperature, 10 beeps are audible and the
result is displayed.
If the temperature is above 37.8 C, the unit will sound ten sets of two short beeps.
Press the ON/OFF button (4) to turn the unit off or the unit will automatically shut off
after approximately ten minutes.
6.3 Axillary use
Wipe the underarm with a dry towel.
Place the probe tip under the arm so the tip is touching the skin with the
thermometer perpendicular to the body.
Position the arm across the chest so the probe tip is well covered by the arm. This
also insures the probe is not affected by the room's air.
Press the ON/OFF button (4) briefly. After all segments have been displayed, the
previous result or ‘Lo’ is displayed for 2 seconds.
The thermometer starts measurement.
When the temperature stabilizes at peak temperature, 10 beeps are audible and the
result is displayed.
If the temperature is above 37.8 C, the unit will sound ten sets of two short beeps.
Press the ON/OFF button (4) to turn the unit off or the unit will automatically shut off
after approximately ten minutes.
6.4 Rectal use
After applying the disposable probe cover, apply a water-soluble lubricant to the tip.
Do not use petroleum jelly like Vaseline for easier insertion.
Gently insert the probe a MAXIMUM of 1 cm into the rectum.
Press the ON/OFF button (4) briefly. After all segments have been displayed, the
previous result or ‘Lo’ is displayed for 2 seconds.
The thermometer starts measurement.
When the temperature stabilizes at peak temperature, 10 beeps are audible and the
result is displayed.
If the temperature is above 37.8 C, the unit will sound ten sets of two short beeps.
Press the ON/OFF button (4) to turn the unit off or the unit will automatically shut off
after approximately ten minutes.
7 Disposal of the device (environment)
At the end of the product lifecycle, you should not throw this product into the
normal household garbage but bring the product to a collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic equipments. The symbol on the product,
user guide and/or box indicate this.
Some of the product materials can be re-used if you bring them to a recycling
point. By re-using some parts or raw materials from used products you make an important
contribution to the protection of the environment. Please contact your local authorities in
case you need more information on the collection points in your area.
Batteries must be removed before disposing of the device.
Dispose of the batteries in an environmental manner according to your
country regulations.
8 Specifications
Global Treasure Industries Ltd. Room.8, 5/F, Block 2, Nan Fung Ind. City, No. 18
Tin Hau Road, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
Topcom Europe NV, Grauwmeer 17, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Read this manual carefully before use. For specific information on your own
body temperature, contact your physician. Put the user guide away in a safe
place for future reference.
To avoid inaccurate results caused by electromagnetic interference
between electrical and electronic equipments, do not use the device near
a cell phone or microwave oven.
1 2
4 5
The mouth must remain closed during the measurement for the most
accurate reading. Opening the mouth could result in an extended
measurement time and may affect the reading.
Measuring range
Working conditions
Storage conditions
Battery Life
Auto shut off
32,0 ~ 42,9°C
+/- 0,1°C
Temperature 10 ~ 40°C
Humidity 15 ~ 95% RH
Temperature -10 ~ 60°C
Humidity 15 ~ 95% RH
1 x 1,5V DC Alkaline Manganese
L736, SR41, LR41, 392 or 192
Approximately 1500 measurements
After approximately 10 minutes
147 x 25 x 19mm
Approx. 17 grams with battery inside
Internally powered equipment
Protection against electric shock - type B
Not suitable for use in presence of flammable
anaesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or
nitrous oxide
Continuous operation with short-time loading
Method of sterilizing or disinfection recommended
by the manufacturer - Disinfection
It is suggested that a rectal used themometer is separated from a axillary
or oral used thermometer because of hygienic reason.
Rectal temperatures are an appropriate and reliable method for infants
and small children. Otherwise, this method should only be used when it
is impossible or impractical to take an oral or auxiliary temperature.
This product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of the directive 93/42/EEC.
The Declaration of conformity can be found on :

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