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Locate a lost Parent Unit by pressing the
button on the Baby Unit 3 times in quick succession and the Parent Unit
will sound a 1-minute long alarm. To silence the alarm, press any button on the Parent Unit. Please note that the
paging feature will only work when both units are switched ON and monitoring as normal.
Locate the rubber cover on the back of the Parent Unit and the belt
clip attachment supplied. Remove and carefully store the rubber cover,
then line up the belt clip’s guiding pins (image 1), insert the
clip in Position and turn 90 degrees in a clockwise direction
to position . Alternatively, the belt clip can be orientated
so that you can wall mount or hang your Parent Unit.
In which case, line up the belt clip’s guiding pins (image 2),
insert the clip in position and turn 90 degrees in a clockwise
direction to position .
As your baby grows older you can use the Nightlight without monitoring and without the need for the Parent Unit.
With the Baby Unit switched OFF, press and hold the
button and the Nightlight will illuminate. The
button will glow
red (instead of the usual green), indicating that the monitor is not switched ON. Press the
button again to switch off.
For extra reassurance Tomy’s Movement Sensor Pad Monitor and/or an additional Parent Unit from either the Tomy
Digital or Digital Plus models can be added to your Monitor. For further details please visit our website: www.tomy.eu
Do not immerse any parts in liquids. Do not place in direct sunlight.
Periodically examine product for signs of damage
to electrical parts and do not use until damage has been properly repaired.
Always remove batteries from the Baby Unit if
using the mains adaptor for long periods of time.
We guarantee your monitor against manufacturing defects for 2 years from the date of purchase on production of
a valid receipt. In the rst instance of a manufacturing defect, we recommend that you return your monitor to its
place of purchase. If this does not satisfactorily resolve your problem, please refer to www.tomy.eu for further advice.
Full terms and conditions can be found on our website: www.tomy.eu
- Power Supply: Mains adaptor rating: PRI: 230V~50Hz SEC: 6V
- Batteries: Parent Unit - Rechargeable 850mAh 2.4V Ni-MH battery (included).
Baby Unit - Requires 4 x 1.5V AA (LR6) batteries.
- Operating Range: 350m in optimum ‘open eld’ conditions.
- Operating Temperature: 0 - 50ºc.
- Frequencies: 1880~1900MHz.
Adjust the volume from zero (mute) to level 10 (max) by moving the thumb wheel clockwise to increase or anti-
clockwise to decrease.
The Sound Level Lights Display on your Parent Unit reacts to the sounds of your baby. The louder your baby, the more
lights illuminate on the display. You can lower the volume of the Parent Unit whilst still watching out for baby, ideal
for when you’re relaxing or entertaining.
For those quiet moments or when your baby is a little older you may not want to hear every sound in your baby’s
room. Your Baby Monitor has a Sound Activated Monitoring mode, a feature that only captures sounds above a pre-
set threshold, for example a cry rather than a gurgle.
Select Sound Activated Monitoring by pressing the
button on the Parent Unit. The Parent Unit will mute
15 seconds after your baby settles. Every time your baby’s sounds rise above the threshold this feature will be
interrupted instantly and normal sound monitoring will continue until your baby settles again.
For that little extra reassurance and convenience, your monitor has a 2-Way Talkback feature that allows you
to speak to your baby. Press and hold down the
button on the side of the Parent Unit to activate and speak
to your baby.
To check the ambient temperature of your baby’s room simply press and hold the button on your Parent Unit. The Sound
Sensitive Light Display shall be temporarily suspended and replaced with the ambient temperature in your baby’s room.
Please note the temperature gauge is marked in 2°C intervals. Should the ambient temperature fall in-between
intervals then the lights above and below will illuminate (e.g for 27°C the 26°C and 28°C lights will illuminate).
Your Baby Unit has a soft glow Nightlight that can be activated by pressing the
button on your Baby Unit or
remotely from your Parent Unit.
To extend the Baby Unit’s battery life the Nightlight will only operate for 5 minutes at a time. For unlimited use
switch to mains power using the adaptor provided.
To switch off the Nightlight, press the
button on your Baby Unit or on the Parent Unit.
To use the Nightlight without monitoring, please refer to the ‘Independent Nightlight’ section within this booklet.
1. Belt Clip
2. Wall Mount
4 5

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