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Indications on the
Baby Unit
Low Battery –
Parent Unit
Low Battery –
Baby Unit
Button will change from green
to ashing red.
Alarm tone on
Parent Unit
Alarm Meaning
Indications on the Parent Unit
Button will change from green to
ashing red.
Button will change
from green to ashing red.
Loss of contact.
Button will change from solid
green to alternating ashing green
and red.
Button will change from
solid green to alternating
ashing green and red.
3 beeps
2 beeps
Green & Red
Sound Level Lights Display
Temperature Display
Movement Sensor Pad Display*
Volume Control Wheel
On/Off Button
Nightlight On/Off Button
Temperature Gauge
Sound Activation Button
2-Way Talkback Button
Temperature Sensor
ON/OFF (& Pager) Button
Nightlight On/Off Button
Remove the battery compartment cover from the back of unit (N.B: this may already be supplied loose) and insert
the battery pack (supplied) correctly, connecting the plug with the socket. Replace the cover and screw rmly into
position, referring to the Quick Start Guide for pictorial reference.
Ensuring the power cable is correctly connected, plug your Parent Unit into the mains supply and charge for a full 6
hours. You can use your monitor while it is charging by following the ‘Set Up’ guide below.
Important! Your Parent Unit will not function without rst inserting the battery.
For best performance we recommend that the Baby Unit is powered by your domestic mains supply using the power
adaptor supplied. Alternatively, you can use 4 x AA/LR6 batteries (not supplied) to make it fully portable. To insert the
batteries, unscrew the battery compartment cover on the underside of the unit using a at-head screwdriver. Insert the
batteries, making sure you match the ‘+’ and ‘-’ polarity symbols. Replace the cover and screw rmly into position.
Position the Baby Unit at least 1 metre away from your baby ensuring all parts are kept out of reach. Under no
circumstance should you place any parts of the monitor in or on a cot. For best performance we recommend that
the monitor is placed no further away than 3 metres from your baby.
Belt Clip
Mains Cable Tidy
Power Input
Make sure both the Baby and Parent Units are plugged into the mains and/or have their batteries installed (see
above). The units should stand at least 1 metre apart.
Press and hold the
button on each unit for at least 2 seconds. Once activated, the buttons will glow.
As each unit activates, watch for the Sound Level Lights Display on the Parent Unit as it scrolls from left to right and
right to left as the Parent and Baby Units auto-search and link to each other.
Once a connection is made between Baby and Parent Units, normal monitoring will start. The Sound Level Lights
Display reacts to sound: the louder the sound, the more lights illuminate.
Identify the cause of audible alarm by using the following table; should you be unable to identify or rectify the cause
of the problem, please refer to the Simple Solution Guide within this booklet.
* See ‘Accessories’ section.
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