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51100959 - C
Child's head, including helmet, must not project above
the upper frame.
Always consult your bicycle owner's manual and/or
specialist retailer to nd out the limitations or conditions
when towing a Thule child carrier with your bicycle.
Never leave your child unattended in the Thule child carrier.
Only park the Thule child carrier on at surfaces and
secure it with the parking brake.
Have your bicycle checked by a qualied bicycle
mechanic before attaching it to this trailer kit.
Maximum capacity for a single Thule child carrier is
34Kg/75lb and for a double Thule child carrier it is
45Kg/100lb including children and cargo.
Cyclist must be an experienced, strong rider.
Never ride a bicycle at night without adequate lighting.
Obey all local legal requirements for lighting.
Before each ride, ensure the attached Thule child carrier
does not interfere with braking, pedaling, or steering of
the bicycle.
When this Thule child carrier is used as a cycle trailer,
the weather cover should be closed to prevent debris
from entering the carrier.
Safety Flag
Hitch Arm
Safety Wheel Reectors
(Standard for North
American Kits)
(Additional for
European Kits)
Parts DescriPtion
GeneraL WarninG
These instructions contain many WARNINGS. Read and
understand all of the WARNINGS. Use of a Thule child carrier
changes the handling characteristics and requirements of
your bicycle. Failure to assemble and use this Thule child
carrier correctly may lead to serious personal injury or death
to you or your passenger.
Always use safety ag.
Do not operate a Thule child carrier without reading
and understanding this manual.
Use extreme caution while trailering, never exceed
25km/h /15mph, and slow down to less than 10km/h
/6mph around corners and on rough roads.
When turning right, the angle between the towing
bicycle and the Thule child carrier must not exceed 45°.
When turning left, the angle must not exceed 90°.
Passenger must always use seat belts and harness
and wear an approved helmet.
Follow the instructions that came with your child carrier
for proper child placement.
Child must be old enough to wear a helmet and to sit
upright unattended. Consult pediatrician if child is less
than one year old.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Thule Bicycle Trailer Kit

Thule Bicycle Trailer Kit Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Thule Bicycle Trailer Kit Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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