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51100959 - C
Always attach the hitch’s back-up safety strap
in the manner described above. It serves as
additional protection against losing the carrier
during operation. Do not use the Bicycle
Trailer if you cannot attach the hitch’s back-up
safety strap around your bicycle frame for any
reason! Failure to install the hitch’s back up
safety strap may lead to the Thule child carrier
becoming separated from the bicycle.
The hitch arm load shall be no less than
0.1kg/0.22lb and no greater than 8kg/17.6lb.
This is checked by measuring the downward
load exerted by the end of the hitch arm
while the Thule child carrier is loaded with
passengers and cargo.
1.6 attachinG the carrier to your
A. Position the carrier on the left side of your upright bicycle
with the hitch ball pointing towards the ezHitch™.
(See image 1)
B. Insert the hitch ball into the front of the ezHitch™ and
slide it rearwards until it stops. (See image 3)
C. Insert the security pin into the ezHitch™ from the top
side pointing down.
D. Pull the rubber tab down over the protruding end of
the security pin to secure it on the ezHitch™.
(See image 2)
E. Loop the back-up safety strap around the bicycle frame
and hook the clip onto the D-ring. (See image 4)
2 4
1 3

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Andere handleiding(en) van Thule Bicycle Trailer Kit

Thule Bicycle Trailer Kit Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Thule Bicycle Trailer Kit Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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