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8) Programming mode :
This device has a thermostat capable of receiving orders through its pilot wire. It recognizes the following commands:
- CONFORT (comfort) : Temperature set using the thumb-wheel w
- CONFORT 1 (comfort 1) : Temperature set using the thumb-wheel w -1°C
- CONFORT -2 (comfort 2) : Temperature set using the thumb-wheel w -2°C
- ECO : Temperature set using the thumb-wheel v
- HORS GEL (frost-free) : Room temperature maintained at approximately 7°C
- ARRET (Off) : Immediate stoppage of the device (used for load-shedding).
To activate the programming mode set cursor u to
In this way, by connecting the pilot wire to a timer, you can program your Comfort and Economy temperature periods.
It is possible to connect several devices to one timer and, in this way, make energy savings.
NB: When there is no command given over the pilot wire, the device heats in the Comfort mode. HG and load-shedding
commands override the Economy and Comfort modes. On changing from the Comfort mode to the Economy mode,
the changeover time is approximately 12 seconds.
- There is no point in setting the unit to its maximum, the room temperature will not rise any faster.
- Switch the unit off by putting cursor u to
- Remember to lower the temperature f you go out for several hours.
If go out for : less than 2 hours, do not touch the controls.
from 2 hours to 24 hours, set the cursor u to
for more than 2 hours or during the summer, put the unit in Frost Free mode ( ).
If you have several units in the room, let them all operate at the same time, this will give a more uniform temperature
without increasing electricity consumption.
This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without
supervision. Young children should be supervised to ansure that they do not play
with the appliance, lean against the front or insert objects or paper in it.
Do not totally or partially block the grilles on the front or inside of the appliance, as
this may cause overheating.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a service agent or similarly
qualified person in order to avoid a hazard (applies to units fitted with a supply cord
and plug).
Units fitted with a three core supply cord (brown, blue & black), must be directly
connected to fixed wiring by a licensed electrician.
All work on the interior of the appliance must be carried out by a licensed electrician.
To maintain performances of your unit, you should clean the upper and lower grilles of the unit about twice a year using
a vacuum cleaner or a brush.
Have a professional check the inside of the unit every five years.
Dirt may collect on the grille of the unit if the atmosphere is polluted. This phenomenon is due to the poor quality of
the ambient air. In this case, it is recommended to check that the room is well ventilated (ventilation, air inlet, etc.),
and that the air is clean. The unit will not be replaced under the guarantee because of this type of dirt.
The unit casing should be cleaned with a damp cloth, never use abrasive products.
080214_CEETvariation_ang.PMD 07/09/05, 14:063

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