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The product you have just purchased has undergone numerous tests and inspections to guarantee the highest quality.
Thank you for your choice and your confidence in us. We hope it will give you entire satisfaction.
Some recommendations :
Please read the documentation before starting to install the panel heater.
Disconnect power before working on the panel heater.
Conserve the documentation, even after installation of the panel heater.
Equipment specification : (indicated on the label of the device):
IP24 : Equipped protected from water splashes.
Class II : Double insulation.
1) Where to install the panel heater ? j k
- This equipment was designed to be installed in a residence. Please ask your distributor before using it for any other purpose.
- The panel heater should be installed according to normal trade practice and in compliance with legislation in the
relevant country (the IEE Wiring Regulations).
- Comply with the minimum clearance distances as indicated in diagram 2 for positioning of the panel heater.
- If your wall covering is laid on foam, a spacer the same thickness as the foam must be placed under the panel
heater’s support. This ensures there is free space behind the panel heater to make sure its control settings are not
adversely affected.
- Do not install the panel heater:
In a draught likely to affect the control settings (under a fan, etc.).
Under a fixed mains power socket.
In volume 1 of bathrooms.
In volume 2 if the controls can be operated by a person using the shower or the bath.
Except in the UK. Please refer to the IEE Regulations 601-06-01 and 601-08-01 (BS7671).
2) How to install the panel heater?
2-1) Mount the wall support
A - Standard and hight version
B - Plinth bottom version
2-2) Connect the panel heater : q
- The panel heater must be powered with 220-240V 50Hz
- The panel heater must be connected to the mains by a 3-wire cable (Brown= Phase, Blue=Neutral, Black=Pilot wire)
by means of a connection box. In humid areas such as bathrooms and kitchens the connection box must be installed
at least 25 cm above the floor.
- Earthing is prohibited.
Do not connect the pilot wire ( black ) to earth.
- The heater must be installed by a qualified electrician in accordance with the local regulations. The heater and the pilot
(black) wire must NOT be connected to earth. If the heater wire is damaged, it must be replaced by a qualified person
to avoid hazard.
- If a pilot or piloted panel heater is protected by a 30mA differential (e.g. bathroom) the pilot wire’s power supply.
If the panel heater is installed at altitude the air discharge temperature will be increased
(by approximately 10°C per 1000 m of altitude).
080214_CEETvariation_ang.PMD 07/09/05, 14:061

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