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A. Notice
Important: Do not start exercising before fully studying this User’s
Guide and the accompanying Exercise Chart.
• This User’s Guide provides instruction on setting up the Total Flex
, and proper
use, storage and maintenance. Use this manual in conjunction with the Exercise
• The Exercise Chart provides exercise instructions to achieve your desired results.
Please read and follow this User’s Guide completely before using your Total Flex
Keep this guide in a safe place and make sure everyone who uses the Total Flex
also reads this guide. Have a safe and enjoyable workout.
WARNING: Please consult with your doctor before you start using this
equipment. Your doctor should help you ascertain your target heart rate, as
determined by your age and physical fitness. Certain training programs and
types of exercise equipment may not be suitable for everyone.
This is particularly important for those individuals over 35, pregnant women and
individuals with existing health problems or problems with balance. If you take
medication which affects your heart rate, you must seek medical advice from
your doctor before starting your exercise program with this machine.
1. This product has been tested in accordance with the requirements of EN 957-1,
machine is 300 LBS (136 kg). Persons whose body weight exceeds this
limit should NOT use this machine.
2. Carefully inspect the equipment prior to EVERY use. Never use the device
if it is not functioning correctly, or if it is damaged.
3. Use this device EXCLUSIVELY for the purpose intended and described in
this User’s Guide. Do not alter the equipment and only use those
accessories which have been recommended by the manufacturer.
4. Ensure that at least 10-13 feet (2-3 meters) of free space is available around
the entire unit. It is important that pets, furniture and other objects are kept away
from the equipment during its use.
J. Total Flex
Tips and Suggestions
1. Decide on the most convenient time to exercise and stick to it, exercising must
become a routine.
2. It might take 1 or 2 workout sessions to become familiar with the Total Flex
settings and adjustments.
3. Try to exercise 3 to 5 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes a session. Alternatively,
the session can be as long or as short as time and motivation allow.
4. Allow for at least 1 day’s rest per week to allow the body to recover.
5. Drink adequate fluids before, during and after exercising.
6. Keeping a daily balanced diet keeps your body properly fueled and ready for
7. To stay motivated, we recommend, that you:
a. Change exercise programs from time to time.
b. Alternate your exercise program with cardiovascular training, such as
walking, running, cycling or swimming, to increase the effectiveness of your
8. Before starting to exercise, it is important to stretch in order to warm up
your muscles and prevent injury. The Total Flex
Exercise Chart has a stretching
program that you should follow before starting to exercise.
9. When you exercise, breathe deeply and rhythmically. Do not hold your breath
while exercising, as doing so raises your blood pressure.
10. Do not go too fast. Perform the exercises with proper form at the rate of
approximately 2 seconds per repetition.

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