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24. After cooking your meal, be careful when lifting the Top Hot Plate (item 2 on the diagram on page 6) as this
appliance can produce very hot steam during the cooking process.
25. To protect against electrical shock do not immerse cord or plug in water or other liquid.
26. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning.
27. Let the appliance cool down (at least 15 min) before cleaning and storing.
28. Do not use abrasive detergents or cleaning products intended for oven cleaning to clean the FlavorChef™ appliance.
29. Clean the surface of this appliance only with a cloth, paper towel or a slightly dampened sponge.
30. In order to protect the non-stick surface of the plates, always use plastic/silicone or wooden utensils inside the
FlavorChef™, never metal. Also, do not cut food directly inside the pan.
31. Allow to cool before putting in or taking out inserts.
32. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions or has been
damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair,
or adjustment.
33. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may cause injuries.
34. The use of an extension cord is not recommended. If such use is necessary, make sure not to exceed the
indicated current and wattage limits.
5 10
1. Immediately after the timer bell rings, open the Lid (item 9, page 6) by using the Handle (item 1, page 6).
Making sure you do not touch the Hot Plates (items 2 and 3 , page 6), put the prepared food on one or both
of the Hot Plates.
Do not touch the Hot Plates (items 2 and 3, page 6).
2. Close the Lid again (item 9, page 6) and re-set the timer (item 6, page 6) and temperature to the appropriate
settings, depending on what you are cooking/baking.
3. When the timer (item 6, page 6) reaches zero again, the bell will ring to indicate that your meal is ready.
4. Open the Lid (item 9, page 6) by using the Handle (item 1, page 6) making sure not to touch the Hot
Plates (items 2 and 3, page 6).
5. To remove the food from the FlavorChef™, do not use metal utensils because they can damage the non-stick
coating. Always use heat resistant wooden or silicone utensils.
6. Let the appliance cool down at least 15 minutes before cleaning.
7. Please use the following conversion chart for the temperature knob for the FlavorChef™:
Low (LO)
Medium (MED)
High (HI)
Range in °F
212°F - 284°F
284°F - 356°F
356°F - 428°F
Range in °C
100°C - 140°C
140°C - 180°C
180°C - 220°C

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