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12. Use this appliance for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use any accessories or attachments
not recommended by the manufacturer. They may result in fire, electric shock or personal injury.
13. This appliance is for household use only. It is designed to cook normal household quantities of food. It is not
suitable for continuous or commercial operation.
14. Do not use the FlavorChef™ cooking system outdoors or expose the appliance to the elements (rain, sun, frost, etc...)
15. The manufacturer and distributor are not responsible for any damage caused to this appliance due to incorrect use.
16. Never operate this appliance if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or immersed in
water. Return the appliance to an authorized customer service center for inspection, repair, or adjustment.
17. Do not let the cord hang over the edge of the table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.
18. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
19. Do not move this appliance while it contains hot food.
20. Do not disassemble the product. There are no user serviceable parts.
21. Do not try to perform repairs yourself.
22. Do not leave this appliance unattended while in use.
23. Do not touch hot surfaces (items 2 and 3 on the diagram on page 6). Please use the handle (item 1 on the
diagram on page 6) when using this appliance.
This appliance operates at very high temperatures (overshoot max of 230°C, closed unit max of 200°C
and open unit max of 190°C).
In order to avoid the risk of burns, fire and other property damage and personal injury, do not allow the
skin or any objects to come into contact with the sides or the upper part of this appliance (items 2 to 9
on the diagram on page 6).
11 4
1. Before cleaning, unplug the FlavorChef™ and let it cool for at least 15 minutes.
2. The non-stick surface will make the inside of the heating plates (items 2 and 3, page 6) easy to clean. Using a
paper towel, soft cloth or slightly wet sponge should be enough.
3. Make sure not to use metal sponges, abrasive detergents or solvents. This can cause damage to the unit and
the non-stick coating.
4. If there are any burned food remnants remaining on the heating plate after cooking, put some hot water into
the plate (item 3, page 6) while it is still hot and close the cover (item 9, page 6) and let stand for a few minutes.
The hot water will soften the food and allow you to wipe it off with a soft cloth, paper towel or sponge.
Hot steam may escape from the unit when you open the Lid after cooking. Be careful not to burn yourself.
5. Blot the water and clean the Bottom Hot Plate (item 3, page 6). If the Top Hot Plate (item 2, page 6) needs to
be cleaned as well, open the FlavorChef™ completely (up and over), just like when using both plates for
cooking. Then, clean the Top Hot Plate the same way you cleaned the Bottom Hot Plate, by either wiping it
clean with a cloth or by blotting some water and cleaning it off.
6. Clean the exterior with a damp cloth.

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