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sustained or that despite recovery attempts the battery was irrecoverable. This may be due to a defect in the battery itself, such as a
short-circuited cell or total sulphation, or, in the case of a battery still connected to the electrical system it supports, the red LED #9
may be signalling a loss of current through deteriorated wiring or a degraded switch or contact, or in-circuit current-consuming
accessories. A sudden load being switched on while the charger is connected can also cause the battery voltage to dip significantly.
GOOD TEST RESULT, but the battery cannot deliver sufficient power after return to service: Permanent damage within the
battery may be causing excessive self discharge (caused by the battery itself, even a partly damaged battery may initially retain
sufficient power, but lose power faster than normal there-after). Additional testing can be conducted using the BatteryMate
all-in-one load tester & power charger or a TestMate Precise Load Tester.
AUTOMATIC BATTERY MAINTENANCE: The MAINTENANCE CHARGE CYCLE consists of 30 minute float charge periods
followed by and alternating with a 30 minute ‘rest’ periods, during which there is no charge current. This “50% duty cycle” prevents
loss of electrolyte in sealed batteries and minimizes gradual loss of water from the electrolyte in batteries with filler caps, and
thereby contributes significantly to optimizing the service life of irregularly or seasonally used batteries. The circuit offers current to
the battery within a safe 13.6V voltage limit (“float charge”), allowing it to draw whatever small current is necessary to sustain it at
(or close to) full charge and compensate for any small electrical loads imposed by connected circuitry, or the natural gradual
self-discharge of the battery itself.
During the 30 minute "float charge" periods a continuous LOW CURRENT PULSE IS DELIVERED TO PREVENT SULFATION, further
extending battery power and life.
MAINTAINING A BATTERY FOR EXTENDED PERIODS: The OptiMate PRO will maintain a battery whos basic condition is
good, for months at a time. At least once every two weeks, check that the connections between the charger and battery are secure,
and, in the case of batteries with filler caps on each cell, disconnect the battery from the charger, check the level of the electrolyte
and if necessary, top up the cells (with distilled water, NOT acid), then reconnect. When handling batteries or in their vicinity,
always take care to observe the SAFETY WARNINGS above.
TecMate (International) SA, B-3300 Tienen, Belgium, offers this limited warranty to the original purchaser at retail of this
product. This limited warranty is not transferable. TecMate (International) warrants this battery charger for two years from date
of purchase at retail against defective material or workmanship. If such should occur the unit will be repaired or replaced at the
option of the manufacturer. It is the obligation of the purchaser to forward the unit together with proof of purchase (see NOTE),
transportation or mailing costs prepaid, to the manufacturer or its authorized representative. This limited warranty is void if the
product is misused, subjected to careless handling, or repaired by anyone other than the factory or its authorized
EXPOSURE TO LIQUIDS: Failure of the charger due to oxidation resulting from the eventual penetration of corrosive liquid into
the electronic components, connectors or plugs,is not covered by warranty.
The manufacturer makes no warranty other than this limited warranty and expressly excludes any implied warranty including
any warranty for consequential damages.
NOTE: Details at www.tecmate.com/warranty.
copyright © 2011 TecMate International
OptiMate PRO and the names of other battery care products mentioned in these instructions such as BatteryMate,
TestMateand TestMate mini, are registered trademarks of TecMate International NV.
WARRANTY in Canada, USA, Central America and South America:
TecMate North America, Oakville, ON, Canada, as a wholy owned subsidiary of TecMate International, assumes the
responsibility for product warranty in these regions.
More information on TecMate products can be found at www.tecmate.com.

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