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The battery voltage is below 12V which is not expected for a new dry charged battery recently filled with acid according to the
manufacturers instructions and the acid was allowed to settle for at least 60 minutes before connection to the charger; the
battery may have fatal damage such as a shorted cell. DO NOT CHARGE OR USE THE BATTERY.
For a new factory activated AGM or GEL that may have lost charge during extended storage, select the 2A or 4A program
according to the battery parameters and try again.
This mode is disabled for NEW batteries.
BULK charge - LED #6 steady on: The ampmatic™ charge current monitoring and control mode automatically determines the
most efficient rate of charge current for the connected battery, according to its state of charge, state of health, and electrical
storage capacity. The delivered current may be anywhere from 0.4A to 4A.
FINAL charge - LED #6 flashing: The FINAL CHARGE mode starts when the voltage has reached 14.3V for the first time
during BULK CHARGE stage.
Pulsed equalization step: If the battery has accepted as much charge as its basic condition allows the ampmatic™ current
control circuit now delivers pulses of current for 10 minutes so as to cause the battery voltage to vary between 13.7V and 14.3V,
to equalise the individual cells within the battery.
Verification step: The battery's charge level is verified. If the battery requires further charging the program will revert to pulsed
NOTE: For safety reasons there is an overall charge time limit of 1 hour.
Delivery of current to the battery is interrupted for 10 minutes to allow the program to determine the battery's ability to retain
charge. A small load is applied to remove surface charge and improve test result accuracy.For batteries with a good state of
health LED #7 (green) should continue to flash for the full period.
Consult the “EARLY WARNING OF BATTERY PROBLEMS” table on page 2 for LED indications other than LED #7 (green).
A significant problem exists if the battery is unable to retain sufficient charge during the 12 hour test period. Read the section
NOTES ON TEST RESULTS on reasons for poor test results or how to test a battery that returns a good result but cannot deliver
sufficient power once it is returned to service.
MAINTENANCE CHARGE: LED #7 /8 / 9 steady on
The circuit offers current to the battery within a safe 13.6V voltage limit whilst the result of the voltage retention test is displayed.
Consult the “EARLY WARNING OF BATTERY PROBLEMS” table on page 2 for LED indications other than LED #7 (green).
A more detailed description of the automatic maintenance cycle for long term battery storage can be found under the section
2A / 4A PROGRAM for USED / NEGLECTED batteries:
(or NEW batteries that may have been stored for extensive periods following initial activation):
VERY FLAT NEGLECTED BATTERIES: If the battery is deeply discharged (and possibly sulfated), remove from the
vehicle or equipment and inspect the battery before connecting the charger for a recovery attempt.
Pay particularly close attention to the following A battery left deep-discharged for an extended period may develop permanent
damage in one or more cells. Such batteries may heat up excessively during high current charging.
Monitor the battery temperature during the first hour, then hourly there-after. Check for unusual signs, such as bubbling or leaking
electrolyte, heightened activity in one cell compared to others, or hissing sounds. If at any time the battery is uncomfortably hot to
touch or you notice any unusual signs, DISCONNECT THE CHARGER IMMEDIATELY.
NOTE: The charger’s TURBO recovery mode cannot engage if it senses that the battery is still connected to a circuit which
effectively offers a lower electrical resistance than the battery on its own. However, if the deep-discharged battery is not removed
for recovery, neither battery nor vehicle or equipment electronics will be damaged.

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