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Please read all of these instructions carefully before commencing using your safe. Try all of these
procedures with the door open first, until you are familiar with how the safe works.
High performance microprocessor.
Possible combinations: 10 billion.
Internal power supply with alkaline battery(es) (read inside the batteries case the size of battery of your
safe PIC.1).
Alphanumeric keyboard with 12 keys: 10 keys with numbers from 0 to 9 and 26 letters.
“ON” key to activate the circuit.
“ENTER” key to confirm code set.
The keyboard is of the membrane type with four dedicated LEDS, and contacts for external emergency power
supply in the event of internal batteries being flat.
Internal button for programming new personal code.
DIGITS THAT CAN BE SET minimum 4 – maximum 10 digits in permanent memory
(the “ENTER” and “ON” keys are not valid in the combination).
Before installing the safe, check that it works properly and read the instructions carefully to understand the
Every time a key is pressed the green “OK” LED lights up and the buzzer sounds; pressing the “ENTER” key
causes the green “OK” LED to light up for correct procedures, or the red ERROR” LED to light up in the case
of incorrect settings.
1. Fit the battery(es) - only alkaline batteries must be used - in its plastic seating on the back of the internal
lock (see Pic. 1) in the indicated size and completely remove (without screwing it back in) the screw
marked with a special yellow label, which blocks the magnet.
2. Test for opening using the service code “1111” (with door open and bolts extended)
Press “ON”, key in the service code “1111” and press “ENTER”. The green “OK” LED lights up for
about five seconds.
Within this time, with the green LED “ON”, turn the knob clockwise to retract the bolts.
If the combination is incorrect, the red “ERROR” LED will light up and the buzzer will sound.
After three attempts with incorrect codes, the keyboard will be disabled for one minute and this time will be
indicated by the red “ERROR” LED flashing. After this time, renewed readiness for operation will be
indicated by the green “OK” LED lighting up and a beep.
3. The procedure for storing the new code must be carried out with the door open and the bolts extended.
Press “ON”.
Press the programming button near the top of the back of the door once; the button is marked with a yellow
“PROGRAMMING” label (Pic.1).
The green “CODE” LED switches on with a steady light and stays on for 10 seconds.
Within 10 seconds, start keying in your new personal code (min. 4 – max. 10 digits) and press “ENTER” Key
in your new code set again and press “ENTER” to confirm.
If the procedure has been carried out correctly, a long sound with a number of tones is emitted, thus indicating
that your code has been stored.
If errors have been made while setting your new code, this will be indicated by the red “ERROR” LED lighting
up and a beep. Repeat the procedure for setting your new personal code again, starting from 3.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technomax SMT tot 2009

Technomax SMT tot 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Technomax SMT tot 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Technomax SMT tot 2009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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