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Operating Instructions
CD Stereo System
Model No.
System SC-EN27
Main unit SA-EN27
Speakers SB-EN25
“EB” on the packaging indicates the United Kingdom.
These instructions are applicable to the following systems.
Dear Customer
Thank you for purchasing this product.
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read the
instructions completely.
Please keep this manual for future reference.
Troubleshooting guide
Before requesting service, make the following checks. If you are in doubt about any of the check points, or if the solutions indicated in the chart do not solve the problem,
consult your dealer for instructions.
No play.
• The disc isn’t correctly set.
• The disc is scratched or dirty. (Tracks skipped.)
There is moisture on the lens. Wait for about an
hour and then try again.
MP3 cannot be read.
You may not be able to play MP3 if you have copied
a multi-session disc that has no data between
When creating a multi session disc, it is necessary
to close the session.
The amount of data on the disc is too small. Set the
amount of data to greater than approximately 5 MB.
Sound is un xed,
reversed or comes
from one speaker only.
• Check the speaker connections. ( page 2)
No sound or there is a
lot of noise.
Noise may occur when playing MP3 if recording
quality is poor.
• Keep this unit away from mobile telephones.
• Turn the volume up.
Switch the unit off, determine and correct the cause,
then switch the unit on. Causes include shorting of
the positive and negative speaker wires, straining of
the speakers through excessive volume or power,
and using the unit in a hot environment.
Humming heard during
An AC mains lead or uorescent light is near the
cords. Keep other appliances and cords away from
this unit’s cords.
This product may receive radio interference caused by mobile telephones during
If such interference is apparent, please increase separation between the
product and the mobile telephone.
A beat sound or noise
is heard while receiving
a radio broadcast.
Switch the TV or other audio player off or separate it
from the unit.
Switch off the portable audio player connected to
A low hum or noise is
heard during AM
Keep the antenna away from other cables and
• Keep the AM antenna away from the unit.
The picture on the
television near the set
disappears or stripes
appear on the screen.
The location and orientation of the antenna are
The TV antenna wire is too close to the unit.
Separate the antenna wire of the TV set from the
Remote control
doesn’t work.
Check that the batteries are inserted correctly. (
page 2)
• Replace the batteries if they are worn.
– –:– –
You plugged the AC mains lead in for the rst time
or there was a power failure recently. Set the time.
page 5)
The total programmed play time is more than 200
Tracks can still be programmed and played.
The number of programmed tracks is limited to 24.
No further tracks can be programmed.
A CD-ROM disc that is not CD-DA or MP3 format is
It cannot be played.
Incorrect operation performed. Read the instructions
and try again.
There is a power supply problem. Consult the
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Web Site: http://www.panasonic.co.jp/global/

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technics SCEN27

Technics SCEN27 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 8 pagina's

Technics SCEN27 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

Technics SCEN27 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 9 pagina's

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