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Keep the related parts of your body such as arms, palms, lumbar, and toes relax and ride
with the most comfortable posture in order to be able to react quickly whenever it is
Rider’s posture will greatly affect riding safety. Always keep your body’s gravity in the center of
the saddle, if your body’s gravity is on the rear part of saddle, the front wheel load will be reduced,
and this will cause the steering handle shaking. It is dangerous to ride a motorcycle with an
unstable handle.
It will be much easier to make a turn if rider inclines his body inward when turning. On the other
hand, the rider will feel unstable if his body and the motorcycle do not incline.
The motorcycle is hard to control on a bumpy, unleveled, unpaved road, try to know the road
conditions in advance, slow down and use your shoulder’s force to control the handle.
Suggestion: Do not load objects on the front pedals unnecessarily, to avoid affecting the riding
safety and the operation of steering handle.
In order to maintain the motorcycle’s best performance, each part’s quality, material, and machined
precision must conform with the design requirements. “SYM Genuine Spare Parts” were made
from the same high quality materials used for the original motorcycle. No parts would be sold to the
market until they could meet the designed specifications through sophisticated engineering and
stringent quality control. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase “SYM Genuine Spare Parts” from
“SYM Authorized Dealers or Franchised Dealers” when replacing spare parts. If you buy cheap,
or fake substitute parts from the market, no guarantee can be provided either for the quality or
durability. Also, it may result in unexpected troubles and lower the motorcycle’s performance.
Always use SYM Genuine Spare Parts to keep your motorcycles pure blood and to ensure its
long service life.
The rider’s feeling on the handle is slightly different with a load or without a load.
Overload may cause the handle to swing and affects the riding safety.
Therefore, do not overload your motorcycle.
Do not place flammable materials such as rags between the body side cover and engine to
avoid components damaging by fire.
Do not load objects on areas not specified for loading to avoid damage.
To maximize the motorcycle’s performance and prolong its service life:
The first month or first 1000km is the wear- in period for the engine and components.
Avoid rapid acceleration, and keep the speed below 60km/hr.

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