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This manual describes the correct usage of this motorcycle including safety riding, simple inspection
methods and so on.
For a more comfortable and safety riding, please read this manual carefully.
In case the motorcycle’s specifications and construction are modified and different from the
photos and diagrams on the owner’s manual / catalogues, the specifications and construction of
the actual motorcycle shall prevail.
It is very important to be relax and clothe properly when driving, observe traffic regulations, do not rush,
always drive carefully and relaxed.
Usually, most people would ride their newly bought motorcycle very carefully, but after they became
familiar with their motorcycles, they tended to become reckless which may result in an accident.
To avoid getting burned by exhaust pipe when taking a passenger. Make sure your passenger
has put his/her feet on the pedals.
After running, the exhaust pipe is very hot, be careful not to get burned when conducting an
inspection or maintenance.
After running, the exhaust pipe is very hot, select a suitable location to park your motorcycle to
avoid others getting burned by the exhaust pipe.
Thank you very much for your patronage
In order to maximize your motorcycle’s performance, a periodical inspection and maintenance
should be completely carried out.
We recommend that after riding your new motorcycle for the first 300 kilometers, you should
take your motorcycle to the original dealer for an initial inspection, and to have your motorcycle
inspected periodically every 1000 kilometers thereafter.
To remind you:
Please wear a safety helmet, and properly tighten the chin belt when riding a motorcycle.
Clothes with open or loose cuffs may be blown by wind and cause the cuffs to get caught on the
steering handle and thus affects riding safety.
So, put on clothes with tight sleeves.
Hold the steering handle by both hands when riding. Never ride with only one hand.
Observe the speed limit.
Wear suitable low-heel shoes.
Perform periodical maintenance and inspection in accordance with the schedule.
For your benefit, please ask your SANYANG dealer the operating manual and carefully read the
Correct use of the motorcycle.
Pre-delivery inspection and maintenance.
Modified motorcycle will affect its structure or performance, and cause poor engine operation or
exhaust noise, which will result in shortening the motorcycle’s service life.
Besides, modification is illegal and does not conform to the original design and specifications.
A modified motorcycle will not be covered by warranty, therefore, do not modify your motorcycle at

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