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Q. My URC does not work at all!
A. Check if you have set up your URC by Easy Online Setup or Smart Learning.
A. IMPORTANT REMARKS for Windows Vista/7 users, after you connect
your URC to your computer, please double click the pop up window CD
ROM Drive KRMAP and the KRMAP.exe to install the program and
A. Check your A/V device, if the device’s main switch is turned off, your URC
could not operate your device.
A. Check whether your batteries are inserted properly and are in correct
+/– marks.
A. Check whether you have pressed the corresponding device mode key for
your device.
A. If the batteries are low, replace the batteries.
A. Try to connect your URC to your PC and reload the user data by selecting
on the Remote Setup Page.
Q. If several Device Codes are listed under the brand of my A/V device,
how can I select the correct Device Code?
A. To locate the correct Device Code that is similar to your device model
number, as manufacturers tend to use the same remote for a series of
A. To locate the correct Device Code for your A/V device, test the code one
by one until most keys work properly.
Q. My A/V equipment responds only to some of the commands.
A. You have set a code for which only some commands work properly but
some do not. Try other codes until most keys work properly.
A. You can learn the rest of the missing commands from your original
remote, see Smart Learning section.
Q. Some learned commands in my URC do not work.
A. Those commands are not learned properly. Try to teach your URC again
for those functions.
A. Check the batteries inside both A/V remote and your URC. If the batteries
are weak, the URC cannot learn command properly. You have to replace
all batteries for proper functioning.
1. Do not expose your URC to dust, strong sunlight, humidity, high
temperature or mechanical shock.
2. Do not use old and new batteries together as old batteries tend to leak.
3. Do not use corrosive or abrasive cleaners on your URC.
4. Keep the unit always dust free by wiping it only with soft and dry cloth.
5. Do not disassemble your URC, it contains no user-serviceable parts.

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