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Problem Possible cause and solution
Snowy dots, blocking and
If the antenna is located in the fringe area of a television signal where
the signal is weak, the picture may be marred by dots, show blocking
or break-ups. When the signal is extremely weak, it may be necessary
to install a special antenna to improve the reception.
1. Adjust the position and orientation of the indoor/outdoor
2. Check the connection of the antenna.
3. Fine tune the channel.
4. Try another channel. Broadcasting failure may happen.
Ghost Ghosts are caused by the television signal following two paths. One
is the direct path, the other is reflected from tall buildings, hills, or
other objects. Changing the direction or position of the antenna may
improve the reception.
Radio frequency interference This interference produces moving ripples or diagonal streaks, and
in some case, loss of contrast in the picture. Find out and remove the
radio interference source.
Playback of video is causing
picture freeze/macro
blocks or similar distortion,
especially on HD content
Read/write speed of your USB device could be too low. Make sure to
use a USB storage device with sufficient speed and space. Pen drives
(USB sticks) may not support sufficient speed.
No signal or weak signal,
intermittent reception
a) Cables might have loosened; moisture might have entered
into cables or connectors, heavy rain at present or heavy
storm at present.
Check the cable connections, LNB and other equipment
connected between the LNB and the receiver, or peak the
Wait for rain/storm to subside. Ask a local satellite specialist
for advice.
b) The satellite dish is not pointing at the (correct) satellite(s).
Adjust the dish. Ask a local satellite specialist for advice.
c) Satellite dish is too small, trees or buildings in path.
Change to a larger dish or change position of dish.
d) Signal is too strong, dish is oversized.
Connect a signal attenuator to the LNB input. Ask a local
satellite specialist for advice.
Bad picture/blocking error
during heavy rain
Heavy rain will attenuate satellite signals, below a certain level
blocking will occur.
Make sure your dish installation is up to standards to minimize rain
effects. When in doubt, ask a local satellite specialist for advice.
If the TV turns off after
plugging a cable into any
Again, turn on the TV.
NOTE: If the problem persists after these solutions, please contact your local
support centre or send a support mail via our website www.strong.tv.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Strong 43FC5433

Strong 43FC5433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 38 pagina's

Strong 43FC5433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 42 pagina's

Strong 43FC5433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 38 pagina's

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