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Folding. (1-3)
STOKKE® XPLORY® back wheels:
1. All four wheels must touch the
ground. Do NOT start by lifting the
unit/back wheels to fold them in.
(See Figure 1).
2. Push bottom part (B) of the
handle on the spine UP, then while
holding this press the top part (A)
of handle in and at the same time
lift this handle UP. (See Figure 2)
3. Now, push with your foot on the
lower part of footpeddle (C) located
at top of the arch. Continue to push
with your foot, while pulling the
steering handle towards you. (See
Figure 3)
Unfolding (2)
STOKKE® XPLORY® back wheels:
Pull the bottom part (B) of the
handle on the spine UP, then while
holding this in position press the
top part (A) of the handle in and at
the same time lift the main steering
handle UP and forward. The legs will
release. (See Figure 2)
If the unit’s wheels are locked in
a folded position and difficult to
release, give the foot-peddle a slight
push with either your hand or foot
- while you unfold the back wheels.
Adjusting the handle, height and
angle (4)
Lift the trigger (D) and hold it up
while you adjust the handle to the
desired height. The handle height can
be adjusted to any position in a range
between 67 and 116 cm/26,4 and
45,7 inch. The handle can be adjusted
to 4 different angles by pressing the
trigger (E) down and rotating the
Seat Assembly (5)
Push the seat down on the seat arm
until a click is heard on each side.
The seat may be mounted in a posi-
tion facing forwards or backwards.
Check that the seat is properly
mounted on the seat arms by
ensuring that the indicators found on
each side of the seat have changed
colour from red to green.
Adjusting the seat angle (6)
The seat angle is adjusted by means
of the handle (G) on the seat arm.
Note! Always keep your hand on the
seat when you adjust the angle. The
seat has 3 positions facing
backwards, and 2 positions facing
Never assemble, remove or turn the
seat while your child is in it.
SEAT Dissasembly (7)
Press the service handles in on each side
of the seat simultaneously and lift the
seat off the seat arms. The child should
not be in the seat during this procedure.
Adjusting the seat height (8)
Release the handle (F), move the seat
arm to the desired height and lock the
handle by pressing it back into place.
Please make sure that you always hold
the seat arm by the centre sleeve that
attaches it to the centre column, the seat
arm will then be easy to move. Adjustable
height is 50 to 70 cm from the bottom of
the seat.
Mounting and adjusting the foot rest
Push the footrest up the tracks. Check
to make sure that the footrest is locked
in position. Dismounting and adjusting the
footrest downwards is done by pushing
the handles (J) on both sides up and mov-
ing the footrest in the tracks. To provide
the best comfort possible, adjust the
footrest to support your childs feet.
Seat rail (10)
Release seat rail on both sides and pull
the rail up. Insert the seat rail into place.
A click will be heard when the rail is
placed correctly.
Warning! Do not use the rail for carrying.
Brake (11)
Always remember to engage the brakes
when you park the stroller. Do this by
pressing the lower part of the brake
pedal. To release the brake, press the
upper part of the brake pedal.
Removing and attaching the back
wheels (12)
Release the locking device and pull the
wheel off the axle. To attach push the
wheel onto the axle until you hear a click.
Check to make sure that the wheel is
locked on to the axle.
Use on stairs (13)
Stokke Xplorys unique design enables
it to negotate obstacles such as thresh-
olds and kerbs with ease. Stokke Xplory
is especially easy to transport up/down
stairs using the two-wheel
function. The child must not be sitting
in the stroller while it is going up/down
stairs because transporting a child in a
stroller on stairs is generally dangerous.
Baby insert (14)
To ensure the best possible sitting
comfort for your child make sure that
the depth of the seat corresponds to
the length of the child’s thigh. The
edge of the seat should fit to the back
of the child’s knee. The padded baby
insert is attached by putting the safety
harness through the opening that best
fits the childs shoulder height. The
baby insert is recommended up to the
age of about 15 months.
Assemble hood on seat (15)
Position and push the hood plastic
fasteners in on each side of the seat.
Attach the hood to the seat fabric with
the zipper. Attach the push buttons on
each side.
Dismounting hood from seat (16)
Unbutton on each side of the hood.
Unzip to release the hood. Release
plastic fasteners from seat by pressing
the two taps on the inside of the seat.
Use both tombs and press.
Hood visor (17)
Attach and detach the visor from the
hood with the zip. Fold in and out.
Ventilation in hot weather (18)
Unzip the zip on the hood. Fold the
cover over the edge.
Adjusting the harness (19)
Your child should always use the
harness. Tighten the harness straps
so that the harness fits your child.
The harness is opened by pressing the
release mechanisms together. As the
child grows, adjust the harness
fasteners at the back so that they
correspond to the childs
shoulder height, see table. Thread the
strap through the fabric parts again.
STOKKE is not responsible if you
choose to use a harness other than
the one supplied! Nonetheless there
are D-rings on the waist belt for fitting
your own harness.
Always use the crotch strap in
combination with the waist belt.

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