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Australia E xquira Pty Ltd. Tel: +61 (0)2 9417 3445, E- mail: info@exquira.com
Belgium STOKKE BENEL UX Tel. 0800-72185, Fax. 0800-72104, E- mail: info-benelux@stokke.com
Bulgaria Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com.
Croatia Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com
Cyprus Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com
Czech Republik Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com
Danmark Tlf. (+45) 98 79 19 29, Fax. (+45) 98 79 19 39, E- mail: info.dk@stokke.com
Deutschland Customer Service Tel: 07031 611 58-0, Fax: 07031 611 58 60. E- mail: stokke.de@stokke.com
España Tel. 943 130 596, Fax. 943 133 201, E- mail: info.es@stokke.com.
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Greece Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com.
Hong Kong Pacific Bright Holding ltd. Tel: +852-2106 1537, E- mail: service@pacbright.com
Hungary Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com.
Italia Tel. 0322 49 75 49, Fax. 0322 49 80 54, E- mail: info@stokke.it
Ireland Tel. 1800 552 187, Fax. 1800 552 186, E- mail: info.uk@stokke.com
Israel Shevtov G. Reiss Distributors. Tel: 972 9 8912314, E- mail: reissg@netvision.net.il
Japan STOKKE JAPAN CO., LT D. 2-20, Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 104-0044.
TEL : +81 (0)3 5148 2013. FAX: +81 (0)3 6226 5102
Luxemburg STOKKE BENEL UX Tel. 800-26241, Fax. 800-26234, E- mail: info-benelux@stokke.com
Mexico Tel: +49 770-874-9020, E-mail: customer.service.mexico@stokke.com
Nederland STOKKE BENEL UX Tel. 013-5837020, Fax. 013-5837021, E- mail: info-benelux@stokke.com
New Zealand Viking Imports Ltd. Tel: +64 9 4267822, E- mail: info@vikingimports.co.nz
Norge STOKKE AS. Tlf. +47 70 24 49 70, Fax. +47 70 24 49 90, E- mail: info.no@stokke.com
Poland Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail info.eu@stokke.com.
Portugal T el. (Spain) +34 943 130 596, Fax. +34 943 133 201, E- mail: info.po@stokke.com.
Romania Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail info.eu@stokke.com.
Russia Da Baby. Tel: +7(0) 495 688 7756. E- mail: da-baby@redline.ru
Schweiz T el. 0041 62 88 74 000. Fax. 0041 62 89 64 00. E- mail: info@stokke.ch
Serbian Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com
Slovakia Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com
Slovenia Customer Service for Central Europe, Fax: +49 70 31 611 5860, E- mail: info.eu@stokke.com
South- America Tel: +49 7031 611 580, E- mail: south.america@stokke.com
South Korea Papa & Co Ltd. Tel.: +82-2-856-8477, E- mail: timkim@papanco.com
Sverige Tel. 08-4474560, Fax. 08-4474565, E- mail: info.se@stokke.com
Turkey Nest By Mozaik, Tel: +90 212 353 09 13, E- mail: nest@mozaikdesign.com
Ukraina Millenium Ltd., Tel: +38 044 492 00 22
United Arab
Emirates DutchKid FZCO, Tel: +971 4 341 7500, E- mail: info@dutchkid.com
United Kingdom Tel. 0800 05 18857, Fax. 0800 0517035, E- mail: info.uk@stokke.com
USA 1100 Cobb Place Blvd. Suite 100. Kennesaw, GA 30144. Phone: 1.877.978.6553 or 678.627.02.0846.
Fax: 678.627.02.0850. E- mail: info-usa@stokke.com. Web: www.stokkeusa.com.
Österreich Customer Service Tel: +49 70 31 611 58-0, Fax: +49 70 31 611 58 60, E- mail: stokke.at@stokke.com

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