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Read these instructions care-
fully before use and keep them for
future reference. Your childs safety
may be affected if you do not fol-
low these instructions.
The back foot should always be
folded when stairs are used. Use
with care.
Do not use the seat as a car seat.
The chassis is not designed for
other seats than the one included.
Children should be harnessed in at
all times and should never be left
unattended. Keep the child clear of
any moving parts when making
adjustments. This vehicle requires
regular maintenance by the user.
Overloading, incorrect folding and
the use of non-approved acces-
sories may damage or break this
vehicle. Read the instructions.
Follow the manufacturers
instructions Use the breaks when
the stroller is parked
Do not carry any extra children
or bags on this stroller. Only
bags supplied from STOKKE is
Make sure children are clear of
any moving parts if you adjust
the stroller, otherwise they
might be injured.
The stroller should not be used
near an open fire or exposed
Use a harness as soon as your child
can sit unaided. We recommend you
use the harness at all times.
This vehicle is intended to be used for
one child at the time. Do not use any
additional seat unit. The foot board is
not designed for carrying an additional
This seat is not suitable for children
under 6 months.
Any load attached to the handle
affects the stability of the push-
chair. Do not hang a string bag or
anything similar onto the handle.
Do not use the vehicle if any parts
are damaged or missing. It may be
unsafe to use replacement parts
other than those supplied from
Check that the seat unit attachment
devices are correctly engaged.
Maximum load for the shopping
bag: 2 kg/4,4lbs
Maximum load for the diaper bag:
2 kg/4,4lbs
Do not use any accessories not
manufactured by STOKKE, this may
affect your childs safety
Do not park up or down hill.
The seat should not be lifted with
the child in it and never use the rail
for carrying.
In accordance with requirements in
USA and Canada the maximum
permi sibleheight of child using the
stroller is 42,5 inch/108 cm.
To prevent finger entrapment,
always keep the child in secure
distance, when folding and
unfolding STOKKE® Xplory®.
This product is not suiable
for running or skating.
Official testing methods may
vary in different countries or
regions. Standards valid in the
US/Canada recommend a
maximum weight for normal
use of 45 lbs for the Stokke®
Xplory® Seat and 20 lbs for the
Stokke® Xplory® Carry Cot. For
area except US/Canada:
This stroller is suitable for
children from 6 months to
about 3 years of age (15
kg/33 lbs).
Do not leave your child unattended
Check that the pram body or
seat unit attachment devices are
correctly engaged before use.
This seat is not suitable for
children under 6 months.
Always use the crotch strap in
combination with the waist belt.
Ensure that all locking devices
are engaged before use.
Applicable worldwide in respect
of the STOKKE® Xplory® stroller,
hereinafter referred to as the prod-
The customer has a right of com-
plaint pursuant to the consumer
protection legislation applicable
at any given time, which legislation
may vary from country to country.
Generally speaking, STOKKE AS
does not grant any additional rights
over and above those laid down
by the legislation applicable at any
given time, although reference is
made to the Extended Warranty
described below. The rights of the
customer under the consumer pro-
tection legislation applicable at any
given time are additional to those
under the Extended Warranty, and
are not affected thereby.
However, STOKKE AS, Håhjem, N-6260
Skodje, Norway, grants an Extended
Warranty to customers who reg-
ister their product in our Warranty
Database. This may be done via our
webpage www.stokke.com/guaran-
tee. Alternatively, one may fill in and
submit the warranty form, which is
inserted into the instruction manual
accompanying the product. Upon reg-
istration, a warranty certificate will be
issued and sent to the customer elec-
tronically (e-mail) or by ordinary mail.
Registration in the Warranty Database
entitles the owner to an ”Extended
Warranty as follows:
3-year warranty against any manu-
facturing defect in the product.
The Extended Warranty also
applies if the product has been
received as a gift or purchased
second-hand. Consequently,
the Extended Warranty may be
invoked by whoever is the owner
of the product any given time,
within the warranty period, and
subject to the warranty certificate
being presented by the owner.
The STOKKE Extended Warranty is
conditional upon the following:
Normal use.
The product only having been
used for the purpose for which
the product is intended.
The product having under-
gone ordinary maintenance, as
described in the maintenance/
instruction manual.
Right of complaint and Extended Warranty

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